Finished 1/48 Hobbyboss F-14D

Hey guys! Im back in the game. After a divorce, two moves, and renovating my house I’m finally able to get back into model building (not that anyone cares! Ha!). Even this build took over a year because I had to pack my stuff up for 6 months during the renovation.

I did finish the F-15C that I was working on about a year ago…but that one was already 75% done when I moved. I’ll post picks leter.

Anyway, here is the first build of the “new chapter” of my life. Its the 1/48 Hobbyboss F-14D with the Grim Reaper Domination decals by Fightertown. Otherwise there’s not much to say since I didn’t use any AM.

Those of you who remember me from 5 years ago probably remember that I really like to weather my builds. This is probably the dirtiest one I’ve done yet!

Hope you enjoy!

Looks great. And welcome back. Can you share your technique for getting that mottled look?

Awesome paint work on your 'Cat!

Great job!!! That looks amazing.

Filthy!! But I like it[:)]

I didn’t know the ocean was so muddy! Nice work! [:D]


Nice. Really gives the look of the F-14 as it was getting up there in age

Thank you! Its about 10 layers of paint! I’ll make a seperate post about how I did it later. Or…I may do an F-18 and demo it. We’ll see…

Thank you!

Thanks! Filthy = more interesting IMHO…

Thank you! Yeah…Its amazing how dirty they get out at sea!

Thanks! Thats what I was going for. The weathering my be a bit over the top for this particular plane but there are F-14s that had this kind of filth on them…

Nicely done!

Thank you!