I’ve been veiwing some hobby website’s mainly Hyperscale and Aircraft Resource Center and have read some nasty post’s saying that Fine Scale has been lying to it’s subscriber’s about the Trump Mustang and being “soft” on it’s review of the kit. As some of you may well know Fine Scale did a work bench review of the kit in their current magazine. Some people on HS have been attacking this kit since it came out saying or should I say whineing about shape problem’s, and accuracy problem’s and on an on. Some of the post’s have verbally attacked people who have said good thing’s about it and now just recently Fine Scale was the next victim. This makes me very sad. You can like or dislike a kit if you want but how can you make an honest judgement of a kit unless you build it? I’m a loyal reader of Fine Scale Modeler and have alway’s found their work bench review’s very helpful but for people to take pot shot’s at them because they dont bash a kit and the country that make’s it is unexcussable to me. As I always say if you cant afford the kit dont buy it and if you dont like it then also dont buy it. But dont go taking pot shot’s at people that do like it and dont take pot shot’s at magazine’s for giving an honest review of the kit. Enough said![:(!]
I totally agree with you, 80% of the kits I have I bought after reading the review in Finescale and can imagine no other way of finding the kits I want to build. I have read Finescale for more years than I can remember and will certainly carry on checking the reviews.
I for one have built the Trumpeter A-10, with a little work it builds into an impressive kit. so what if this little part is the wrong shape, most of the people that will see my kit will be more impressed with the work I put into the cockpit, or the attention I paid to the paint job. The sad people that have to carry a tape measure and a caclutator around to check the dimensions should start their own web site and let those that enjoy relaxing over the hobby they love read very informative reviews from the only magazine that has made an effort to cater to the average modeller.
They can complain about the price all they want, I for one am not lazy and will surf the web and find a much lower price, they are out there, you just have to look.
One of the things which turned me off about the modeling club I used to belong to was the whining, nitpicking rivet counters. There is no way a model can be a fully faithful representation of an actual aircraft; compromises are necessary to produce a buildable, affordable kit, and the superdetailers can take it from there. Accuracy, especially on color, is often in the eye of the beholder, and for me, “if it looks right, it is right.”
Its amazing that a Hobby that is so much fun and so full of imagination can turn so ugly some times.
I look forward to our annual SCI-FI and Regular Contest at a local Hobby Shop rather than a Larger Contest by a ‘larger’ model club…TOO TENSE!
You guys are right-on. I’ve read the ‘discussions’ and thought they were ‘bizarre’ at best. I do believe that FSM makes mistakes every now and then, but they certainly are not incompetent or out to decieve the modelling public. They’ve been a huge support to the modelling hobby and I hope they will continue to be. I’m a ‘general’ builder (I build a bit of everything… cars, trucks, planes, etc), so FSM is a really nice source of info related to various other kits and projects that I wouldn’t always think of.
There’s lots of ‘expert’ modellers out there that really look for specifics accuracies in a new kit release. However, the hobby is growing based on the encouragement of newer and intermediate builders that are looking for ways to expand their skills. FSM is a critical supplier of this ‘encouragement’. The experts will always be there (and they build some really nice stuff!), but it’s too bad there weren’t more of them involved with the ‘encouragement’ of the younger/intermediate modellers rather than the criticism of the companies that have provided the building blocks that keep this hobby going. Don’t get me wrong… there are lots of really advanced modellers out there that break their a** helping out at shows and working with younger, developing modellers. It’s just too bad that the nitpickers always seem to have such loud voices…
As a firefighter who has time at work to build models, i’ve always looked forward to FineScales articals even on subjects that i don’t build. The “nitpickers” always seem to crop up in any sport or hobby to try to bring people down. I love building the superdetail models but at the same time I love the old monogram kits. 99% of the world can’t tell a raised line from a recessed one. In the end people can tell finish in the sense that “if it looks right, it must be right”. As for the Trumpter Kits i always welcome new subjects because it shows a GROWING hobby, not a dieing one. I wonder what those nitpickers would say if all we had were Monogram 1/32 scale armored models, 1/32 matchbox aircraft, and 1/48-1/72 monogram aircraft kits. Todays kits are so much better engeneered and easier and more accurate than the choices of 10 years ago. If you have a problem with a kit, don’t buy it. But keep your all knowing opinions to YOURSELF unless someone asks you. Bill