Fine Molds Slave 1 is for sale!!

I noticed that FineMolds Slave 1 is now listed for sale at Hobby Link Japan… it will be available in July (so they say now) and will be about $43 !!!

Where can I go to see photos of the kit?

Not much available yet…

My experience is that there will be more info and photos about a month before it is released. I ordered it, and then can cancel or change my order before release… but knowing FineMolds, I am sure I will wan tit.


Zaphod? Nice to see some Hitchhiker fans out there…

Hi, folks!
I talked to Mr. Suzuki (Fine Molds president) at the Shizuoka Hobby Show this past weekend, and he said it’ll be on sale here next month (June). They had the prototype model at their booth, and it was pretty darn cool (not to mention big!!!).

I asked him what was next, but he wouldn’t tell me. He just laughed when I suggested the Millenium Falcon in 1/72!

I have the AMT Slave One and never could bring myself to build it…This will be the FIRST Fine Molds STAR WARS kit I BUY AND! build!..I LIKE IT!!![:p]

Man, you’re missing out. Their X-Wing was fantastic. Think of the quality of those superb Hasegawa modern jets but in a sci-fi kit.

Falcon would be cool, but I’d like to see those Clone War attack ships.

Hi Rob!

At one time… I owned both the Fine Molds X-wing and the Tie Fighter and YES they are cool kits! but I have built the AMT X-WING at least 3 times total and those F/M kits are just SO DANG SMALL!

Can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

The motor pool pictures are great, brings back memories of when I spent time working on all those Army vehicles.

Is it the Jango Fett Version? Just wondering as they made the Jedi Star Fighter as well? There has been a lack of Ep II vehicle models, aspecialy as there were so many cool vehicles in it. What does everyone think?

Yup… this is the one from the latest movie…

Man, you’re missing out. Their X-Wing was fantastic. Think of the quality of those superb Hasegawa modern jets but in a sci-fi kit.

Falcon would be cool, but I’d like to see those Clone War attack ships.

I dig what your laying down Rob! I even owned the Fine Molds Tie Fighter once…THAY ARE AWESOME KITS! …but…for me its a size thing mostly.

Could someone post the length and width of each ship
built so far in in inches? I reall appreciate it. Thus far, I’ve only
been able to get the measurements of the boxes.


That looks like a really nice kit.