I am building Monogram’s 1/48 scale A-10A and I am looking for shark mouth decals for the nose. This type of marking is found on A-10’s from England AFB in Louisiana. Does anyone know of a place to find these decals - I have been unable to find a set. I would prefer waterslide type.
well the 23 FW out of Pope AFB, have the Flying Tigers Mouth, and they are direct decendits of the AVG’s, they where stationed at England AFB but the base was shut down years ago and the unit transfered to Pope AFB, look for the 23FW in superscale decals, or any other brand of decals, also the tail codes are different then the EL now they are FT, and the planes are no longer Euro I they are Ghost Scheme(dk & lt ghost greys) or the old MASK scheme(but with ghost colors)
the kit will need some updates if you are going to do it for todays Hawg’s in Iraq, there are a few more antennas then the kit supplies, like GPS, LASTE, GUI antennas and the black home plate looking antennas on the nose & tail cone are no longer there(they are from the 74 to 76 year aircraft and where deleted when the little round antennas on the nose & tail where installed)
if you have any questions just give me an E-Mail at
72cuda@gimail.af.mil , I am working on A-10’s here in Iraq at Kirkuk AB with the 442 FW 303 FS’s planes[;)]
sorry John P but not all Hawg’s have the Sharks Mouths, that’s only the 23rd FW and only them because their heritage, the Hawgs from Barkdale have the hogs face, those are the only 2 AF units that have faces on them, the rest are plain with the tail #'s on them and maybe some nose/door art that’s about it, but the AF Reserves may in the future start carrying the Hog’s Face on all the A-10’s, but we’ll have to see about that[;)]