FINALLY A NEW CAM! My 2005 in 1/48 scale...

Hi guys, I have been a bit of a board hog lately with all my build threads, and well, I am sorry, but here I go again… I finally found the camera of my dreams, and am very happy with the quality… Although I now need to build a mini studio, and stop using my grubby kitchen table… Anyways, I have decided to put all the aircraft that I have done lately on here, as my video quality wasnt all that great! These are all my 1/48 scale…

First couple are of my half built 1/48 Hasegawa RF-4E JASDF

Still need to paint the yellow stripes on the ejection handles, and put the wheels on… I also have to do something about the decals… I have dull coated it, but there is still a difference in the reflection.

The canope is also just sitting in place…

Recently completed Academy 1/48 SU-27UB

The pride of my collection My 1/48 Tamiya Mitsubishi F-15J

1/48 Hasegawa Mitsubishi F-2B

1/48 Academy MiG-29 UB
This was one of my favourites, but after a mess with the decals, and a bad repaint job, I am very dissapointed with it!.. It is in my opinion one of the most sexiest aircraft ever built!

1/48 Italeri Eurofighter Typhoon 2 seater.

1/48 SU-27UB, MiG-29 UB, Typhoon

Next I need to work on the studio!
Cheers, Chris

Nice collection you have there Chris, thanks for sharing [tup]

Great looking stuff. And the pics are good too. What camera did you decide to get?

Thanks guys… I went with the Olympus Mju Digital 600… I’ts 6.0Megapixels 3 digital zoom. Got the whole box and dice…Charger, software ect…


Magnificent aircraft you’ve got there.[:D] I really like your SU-27 and the paint scheme you used. Very sharp. Thank you for sharing your work.[8D]


Very nice collection Chris. Well worth a second look.

Regards, Rick

Nice looking builds Chris.


board hog? hardly. I’m glad you’ve been posting so much. Your work on modern jets is awesome, and it’s really cool to see them in different countries markings. you do good work! and congrats on the camera!

Great pix of a great collection, Chris!

nice looking collection of planes you got chris. now remember that your new camera needs to be broken in right we single guys need some pics of them lovley ladies that live around were you live. thanks rob.

Thank you guys. I am happy that you like the work… Someone said to me a while ago that the reason I didnt get a new camera was that the quality of the old one would not allow anyone to see my true ability. So I was a little nervouse when I took the new ones… But seriously, regardless of ability and skills, I love looking at anyone who posts… You can always see the hard work people put into thier builds, and for me that is quite facinating to see what people are doin!
GA. Maybe you need to come for a visit… I can take you to some places that I am sure you will meet a nice girl!..[;)]

Cheers, Chris

I like less quality cameras… they hide flaws like models that need to be dusted. (hint hint) [:)]

great work though… I missed following the thread on the RF-4. Hows that goin? nice kit? fit good?

well chris, japan and thailand are on my to most places i want to vist before i leave this planet. i really do miss working for amercian airlines. i would have no probelm living thier at all in both places. even can live off the food they have. i love saki and sushi and thai food too so i would fit right in with no problems except tyring to talk to them . but again nice builds you got thier.

Well GA. There is no time like the present??

Anyways, I thought I would try something different… As I am still playing with my new cam, I have been taking pictures all over the place… So I decided to take some pics of how I display my models…

We always see everyones models, but I sometimes like seeing how you guys have them displayed?.. Here are a few of mine…

First pic, is of my SU-27UB… I have it it sitting above my tv… Actually it is sitting on top of my Australian Television tuner… I am lucky here in Japan, as I have 2 dishes… One called Sky Perfect for all of the American cable channels, and cartoons, and various Japanese cable channels. And also my Australian dish, that allowes me to watch Australian tv, plus German DW, and the NASA Channel… Also, here in Japan, the latest Computers are all, Computer, DVD recorder, and Plasma-TV (all-in-ones), and I have just purchased the new NEC Valuestar… So, now I am in the process of turning it into a TiVo system for 3 different continents…

Yes, I am a little bit of a sci-fi tragic!

Cheers, Chris

nice little camera

i like the sci-fi stuff

can you on the last picture from left to right name the kits and scale on those enterprise s

they are great

As for my Enterprise collection, they are all 1/2500 scale. Starting on the left is my scratch built NX-01 Enterprise, next to it, is the TOS Enterprise. In front of that, is the Enterprise A, and then to the farthest right of the picture is the Enterprise B. Behind the NX and TOS Enterprises is the Enterprise C, then next to it is the large Enterprise D, and then in the far back corner is the Enterprise E… In the front of the collection is my 3 ship collection of the TOS Enterprise, Romulan bird of prey, and Klingon battle cruiser. That set is, 1/1600…

I am glad you liked it… I used to do alot of sci fi stuff, but that Enterprise collection was my holy grail, and so dont really have much interest in much else anymore…


Really nice builds Chris. I’ve been running around shooting everything in sight with my new Cannon digital. It’s like learning to program your VCR there are so many options on these camera’s other than just point and shoot. Keep on shooting and sharing.

Nice looking birds you got there, really like the Su-27’s camo pattern, the colors are eye-catching!

As a trekkie myself, I enjoyed the Sci-Fi shelf personally[tup][tup] Glad to see all the Enterprises together like that. puts them into persepctive. I’ve got the 1/350 NX-01 in my “to-do” pile a bit leery of tackling such a monster!![:O]
Thank you for the photo update! That camera does a nice job

Thanks Ed… Well I had a pretty major sci-fi collection at one stage, but I sold it all off to collectors… Cant remember how many Fine Molds Star Wars vehicles I have built for people?. And I have also built the 1/350 PL Refit… Sold it to a Japanese collector for $200. If you ever want to see some stuff I have built, I am more than happy to show!..Anyways my little Enterprise collection is just big enough for me now, and doesnt take up much space!.

I am in a bit of a rest mode at the momment. My new 1/48 Academy F-14A arrived the other day, and I am still waiting for the 1/144 Revell Airbus A380. So I am not sure what I feel like doing next… As for the A380, I am not sure what I want to do it as?.. Not much in the way of decals out there, and so will probably have to make them myself… I am leaning toward QANTAS, but although I am an Aussie, I think they are one of the worste airlines around. So kinda looking for something else… I would love to do it as a JAL bird, but I dont think Japan Airlines have ordered or purchased any A380, and will be going with teh Boeing Dream Liner?.

And as for the Academy 1/48 F-14A… I am starting to wonder if Academy are really making these models in the correct size?.. I thought that the SU-27 was a large aircraft, but after just looking at the main feusalage of this F-14, it looks massive?.. I know they are a largish aircraft, but this thing looks big?.. It bigger that the F-15? And I thought that was a big Aircraft also?
