Ferrari Hybrid

Everyone needs one.

Thought you guys might get some fun outta this…

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It’d be a stretch for me to afford this…



I have seen that wheelchair in action. the designer’s wife {IIRC} uses it. He made it so she could go with the hubby and kids wherever they go, beach, mountains etc. the wife likes the fact that she is EYE level with peeps standing.

our normal is belt buckle level {or worse when someone is standing in front of us.

she is a thin young lady and her hubby can transfer her, I on the other hand would need a small crane [banghead]

I contacted him, but he is redoing the design, I really want a chair that I can cruise in sand, besides with a lightweight shell it would make a great paintball tank[:-,][swg]

Higgins is gonna be go insane when he see’s what Magnum has done to Robbins car!

I bet those Ferraris could be a major seller here in L.A. Just think of it as a way to get through traffic faster!!![:D]

That is one neat wheel chair; I could really use one.

How does he get it from place to place?


he trailers it then he drives it off the trailer and puts his wife in it.

Those track assembly’s (on the chair) look heavy.

I wonder what the battery life is?

I have seen off road trucks use these tracks before and they really “Get it” out in the sand.