Feb. 2001 issue FSM

Anyone have an issue of the Feb. 2001 of Fine Scale Modeler. I am interested in the Iraqi articles especially colors and markings article. Thanks

If you want to see that issue, just click over in the left column in the green here
\ , on “browse by subject”, click on technigues or armor, then when the next window comes up, click on armor and the next window, click other. It will take you to the past issue pages. Scroll down about 7 or 8 columns and there it is. I hope this helps. Chris.

Thanks…unfortunately that article(s) are not available online!

My apologies, I thought it was. I don’t have that issue, I hope you do find one. Good luck with that. Chris.

Hi Troykosh,

I have that issue. What’s your e-mail address, or your postal address?


I sent you my e-mail address I hope this helps…