Favorite Research Source

Aside from FineScale Modeler, what are some of your other favorite sources for research? Some of mine are: Military Miniatures In Review, Osprey Military New Vanguard books and of course, Panzer Modelling Masterclass by Tony Greenland.

I have found the Internet to be a fantastic resource. The other main resource for me is (naturally) R.P. Hunnicut’s “Sherman A History of the American Medium Tank”.

Internet, absolutely. I have tons of info printed out from various sites and this only keep growing and growing. However, I will not spit on books and mags, and I have tons of them. My pride and joy is my indexed magazine collection.

It used to be reference books but now internet is also a big part for me.

My motor pool at my work.

The internet is the reference source I use most often. Next are materials published by Concord, New Vanguard, Osprey, Schiffer etc.

Problem with using the net is that you need a good printer if you want to get the pics off the computer. Also makes it hard to look somthing up and build or paint at the same time. But still a good sorce I think. But books seem a bit easyer to refer to while building.