Faun elefant panzer transport

I want to make one of the new big kits by Trumpeter and I whanted to know if anyone has built ether of these two kits or knows of a review online

DF-21 Ballistic Missile Launcher
Faun Elefant Panzer Transport

heres a review of the faun http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/vehicles/trumpeter/tr00203.htm

I’ve built the Trumpeter Chinese tank transporter, which essentially is the same as the ballistic missle launcher. Not that flawless of a kit, as I seem to recall having a lot of trouble building the truck undercarriage, and having everything line up nicely was not easy.
As per the note above, check out Perth Military Modelling. They have a great review of the kit, with some little issues to watch out for. Also included in there is a link with many reference photos, and even a build up article. I know that AFV have (or are going to again) have a feature on the Faun transporter, so that may be something you wish to check out as well.
I haven’t started mine yet, and it’ll probably be a while, but the finished product is very big and impressive.