Here are a few figures I painted a while back. Reaper Dark Heaven Legends figures painted with Citadel colors and washes. Thanks for looking!
Nicely done on those tiny fellows
I don’t know if these are for a game or not but i like them. Definitely on my list to do this type of work.
Very nice. Good job.
T e d
Very nice work on those, lovely detail painting.
That’s some really nice painting! It looks like you have the makings of a D&D campaign.
Very well done!
A bit shiny, but very well detailed!
Impressive work, especially in that small scale.
No gal in a chainmail bikini!?!
Nice work!!! I’ve got a few of those. I think you did a better job on them than I did.
“A bit shiny, but very well detailed!”
That’s a very common reaction to my stuff.
The minis that I grew up with were the original dungeon dweller line from Heritage USA. Their pre-painted packs were done in a high gloss finish. That’s what triggers the memories, so that’s how I do them. All my other modeling shoots for realism, but these little guys get the monster gloss for sentimental purposes.
I’ve got 5 or 6 unopened pre-painted packs that I got on ebay a long time back. If I can get motivated, I’ll take some pics of them. Looking at the difference in quality between the late 1970’s and now is just astonishing.