Fantasy Flight Star Wars Rebel Leader

Another mini done while working on another project. This time of a Star Wars Rebel Leader.

Started with the basic black primer.


Then added zenithal highlight with grey primer and painted the coat burnt red.



Blocked in the other major colors. Sandy yellow for the shirt, chocolate brown for the pants, blued steel for the equipment and german black brown for the boots.


Used light flesh for the skin with Vallejo game color flesh wash.


The topped it with a dry brush of light flesh again. Mixed some white into the chocolate brown for the shadows on the shirt. Don’t know why but my figures always look like the undead at this point.


Sorry but no other in between photos between this and the final product. I liked how the coat was turning out. Mixed some black in with the burnt red to deepend the shadows of the coat. Doing so I began to see the coat as having gotten dirty from a muddy field so added in some browns.

Liked the idea enough to try and make it look like he was running across a muddy battlefield and tried to make it look like he’d been splashed with mud.

Here’s the final product. Still learning how to do basing of miniatures.






And posing with his group.


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Looks good! Nice work Phoenix!!!

For bases I just cover it with white glue and then add sand. When dry I put a few spots of glue on that and sprinkle on a little static grass.

Thanks Gamera!

That’s sounds like a great general base. I’m adding those items to my supplies wishlist. [:)]

Only a couple of my minis have I attempted to do anything more than paint the base so tips and tricks are most welcome!

Hey PG, the figures turned out great! One of these days I want to try doing the same.

Nice work, Sir!

Thanks Bakster!

I like doing the minis. They don’t usually take too long to do and I learn a lot about painting that I can transfer to my larger scale models. And if I mess up a mini it’s not a big deal. They’re a lot easier to strip down to plastic and start over. [:D]

I really enjoy painting models which makes them a fun distraction while I’m waiting for glue to dry on another model or I need a break from some part of a kit that’s being particularly frustrating.