Anyone up for a group build where we build a 1/1 tiger I, full option? only no remote control, but a driver where you can tell were to go! (LOL) sorry just thought i had to post this…we could sell for a load of money, or keep, and show it off at IMPS or AMPS events!
I think that would be logistically impossible, not to mention expensive. I don’t think there are any plans floating around either. Maybe we ought to stick with 1/35. [%-)]
Don t Give up Keep buying those lotto tikets. There was this fellow I believe he was from Texas any way he was selling a Jagpanzer completely restored for something like 300.000 I wish I still had his web site. Lost it when puter crashed. I told the wife I could install a mower deck on it[:D]
no, if you have an cad program, and acess to heavy metal equipment-any rural high school-you could do it…
Yeah , I have seen that tank I was in th 1st SS Libstendarte reenacting gruppe For the Texas Chp. he brought it to a couple events really nice machine, just wish I could afford it.
I’d be in, Even have the facility to build the beast. May take awhile, but man would it be fun. Even in half or 1/4 scale.
Not such a crazy idea!
There’s a guy here in Osaka with a 1/2 scale Tiger I. All-metal, with a 4-cylinder Toyota engine, I think. Weighs a coupla tons, at least. Looks pretty good, too.
I’ll see if I can find a pic of it…
why not 2/1 scale
Great Idea, Why not just build a 5/1 scale Maus, and live in it?
rename it the Haus LOL[:D]
HAHAHA…wish i had thought of that one, oh well, might as well go build my M3 in seclusion…
My dad used to joke about the Tiger tank of the month club, every month they would send you a new part, after 40 years you would have a shiny new Tiger. [:)]
was it a real club? (or am i just to gullible that i had to ask)