F4F-4 Wildcat Complete

I started about 5/10,WIP thread is at Swanny’s it’s 8/03 and I"m calling it done. The only thing left to do is possibly paint the antenna lines but I’m going to leave that up to y’all. I know the copper will turn after time so I"m up for suggestions

That wire is some pretty dang thin stuff man I’m hear to tell ya. That’s the stuff my Vacuum Hose engineers came up with me. There’s about 12 strands in a wire, two wires are then wrapped in the stock they get. The insulators are actually the insulation coating for the 12 strands, I took one strand of wire and looped it in on itself and twisted, making sure I maintained the loop I use a nail. Gave the end shot of CA then threaded that into the insulation, did the same on the other end creating a turnbuckle if you will. I secured the antenna wire into the fuselage then threaded it through the open end of the first turnbuckle on the mast then tied it at the second one on the mast on the rudder, not to tight. This stuff snaps if you look at it wrong. Then a couple of twist on each turnbuckle and the antenna is tighten down. This antenna is something I’m thrilled with on how it turned out.

:o What is that gapping hole in the side? DANGIT! a air scoop is missing. been so worried about all the other stuff I missed on little detail.

Here you can see a bit of the red in the navlight, maybe a bigger hole drilled and brighter red will make it stand out more.

I don’t have the stencils for the props, if anyone can point me where I may find some I’ll TIA…

shot of the open panels

Also started with a base last night, mudding parking area with a small ditch running cross ways behind where the Wildcat will be parked at. Couple of gas cans sitting around. Maybe the removed panels stacked neatly on the cans…another thread maybe.

Thanks for looking and as always comments are welcome.

wow. Great job moonpuppy. That antenna line does look great as does everything else

Wow Moonpuppy. That is sweet fella. Top job. The antenna wire trick is another reload for my ever increasing arsenal of tips and tricks.


P.s Is it the Eduard kit?

Well done, Moon Puppy, it looks very convincing to me. Worth all the work.

Well done, especially the antenna wire! Which kit/scale is this one? Very nice work, thanks for sharing. [tup]

Opps, forgot to mention. It is the Hobbycraft rebox of Trumpeters 1:32 F4F-4. Ran into some issues trying to fit Eduards flaps and got a very quick and detailed response from the folks at Eduards, turned out they were not useable. I did also use the F4F-3 Undercarrage and cockpit details that worked out nicely. I got to give credit to Swanny and the guys at his site for guiding me through this build. I"m almost sorry it’s done.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Great build![:)] The detail is amazing, especially in the landing gear. [tup]

[#ditto]…that antenna IS marvelous!

What an undercarriage!

Great work. The weathering is very well done. [tup]

Awesome build MP, great job on the weathering and opening up the panels. I looked at your build thread on the other forum, pretty nice. I like your antenna technique. How many turns on the turnbuckle to get the antenna tight?

Thanks for posting.

Sorry, I didn’t count, was not many. I was scared this wire would snap given to much pressure. I don’t thinkI gave it a single turn on either end. When I turned the forward turnbuckle the line going to the fuseluge tighten up quicker, then I moved to the rear one. Touch of CA on each twist point and it’s locked in. If there were a way to define the twist they could look like the springs they used to keep tension on the antenna.

Thanks for the kind words guys! I"m humbled.

Nicely done Moon Puppy [tup]. Thanks for sharing.

Regards, Rick

An oustanding job in all respects, Moonpuppy! That is truly a build to be proud of! The time and patience you put into her is obvious, and it could easily be a winner at any contest! I would love to see the pics of the dio when you do it, too! Thanks for sharing!

Brian [C):-)]


Nice work.

In case I missed it from someone else’s post, and if I understood your reference to the gaping hole and the missing scoop correctly, that rectangular hole is not an air scoop. Its the hand grab, normally covered with a spring door, used to help the pilot onto the wing. I spent a lot of time with one of the real things several years ago when I was in the CAF.

Again, nicely done.


VERY, VERY nice work Moonpuppy!!. Every thing about it is well done. I have a question for ya…How did you like the Eduard undercarrage set for the F3? Any probs using it on the 4? I have the same set and the Trump F4F I plan on building and would like to know any bad points on it.Also did you use the pit set also?Thanks…Harv

The hand hold is forward, there is a part that is missing, my mistake. If it is correct or not I do not know but I do know that Trump is calling for a part there, I"ve already installed it. My lack of panel wash technique is why you can’t see the hand hold.

I used the kit pit (hehe) for the most part. Ed had replacement seat and some other details on the IP.

For the Undercarriage I found no issues what so ever, The only thing I did run into was the -3 Undercarriage detail set build on the supplied intercooler part in the kit which is not supplied in the -4 kit. BUT the -4 detail set from Eds has a nice intercooler assembly supplied. I had a ball integrating that intercooler into this set but I wouldn’t call it an “issue”. It would have been nice if Trump had supplied the same intercooler part for the -4 as they did the -3. My personal regret is not working on the Carb ducting on the front of the Undercarriage well because it’s highly visible.

If I didn’t know any better it looks to be the aftermarket folks are dumping any support for the -4 kit in favor of the -3. You can tell this because of the new Big Ed kit that just came out for the -3.

But all in all, no problems especially with the landing gear and firewall details. With the exception of the intercooler details I think the undercarriage would be interchangeable between the two kits.

MP, thanks for the input! Yea, I know what you mean…I have all the ED stuff for the F4 and just undercarrage for the F3, and your right, More stuff for the F3. But what I do have I think it will bring it all together nicely!. I hope it looks as good as yours, though. Im building it as #29 LT Jeff Deblancs aircraft. Its a shame you dont hear much about him. His first mission over Guadda Cannal(?) he shot down 5 IJ aircraft and then was shot down himself. He mae it to a Jap. held island where he was recued by natives and later traded to missionarys for a sack of rice, Then made it back to US hands. Quite the story. He`s also from my home state of Louisiana. I have 2 letters from him about his aircraft and such. Very nice gentelman!!..Harv

Great story, I didn’t do much research on my subject. I understand this “White 50” was one of the planes that Joe Foss flew. Joe Foss was the MoH winner who was harrased by the DHS security people at Sky Harbor. He has in his carry on luggage his MoH going to a meeting when they found it and thought it looked to much like one of those throwing stars of death Ninjas use. Joe Foss also just happened to be a former Governor of South Dakota, they would’nt let him board a plane because they feared he was a terrorist…[#dots] We get what we pay for…

So anyway, I went OOB for the decails, nothing special except using Champs decail solution, great stuff!

The Undercarraige and wheelwell just begs for that access panel to be opened. There’s so much detail in the undercarraige set alone…If you’d like I’ll see the resource stuff I have to you. Found 3 books, one in Russian and another in Japanese, but the truth be known, they had the best reference photos, couldn’t read a word…I do wish I had paid more attention to the open edges of those panels, I should have thined them. At scale those panels would be like 6in or something.

Let me know about my reference stuff, I’ll email to you if you like. It’s not much really.