F-8 USMC S.E. Aisa Camo Scheme ?

Does Anyone know if the Marines had any Camouflage Schemes on there F-8’s During Vietnam (or shortly there after)? Anything Similar to the Air Force S.E. Aisa schemes or the A-7 Camo?


I just built an F-8E Marine vers. for a friend, he has collected 5 nice F-8 books. I dont remember seeing any that color, but when I get home today I will look in them again.

I have never seen any photos of anything other than standard light gull grey and white USMC aircraft around the Vietnam war period.
I do know that the last RF8’s that were retired in the late 80’s(USMC?) were painted low-viz all over grey like the french F8’s.

The only green fixed wing birds outside the AF that I know of were those in that scheme tried by the Navy in the mid-60s that was, if I’m not mistaken, made up of a couple of greens. I’ve seen an A-4, Phantom and RA-5C. I’m doing this off the top of my head, and I don’t remember any of these being Marine birds. And I don’t remember the scheme(s?) having any brown. And then there were the green OP-2s and dark green Marine and light green Navy OV-10s among, I’m sure, others. But as for Marine planes painted in anything similar to the USAF’s SEA scheme, I’ve never heard of it. And except for rotary-wing and the aforementioned birds, I’ve never seen Marine shore-based units in SEA in anything other than gray-over-white. Doesn’t some plane, somewhere wasn’t, though.

USMC used only the gray over white on their F-8’s. They retired all of them prior to the low viz scheme. There may have been some painted as a test but were never issued to the Marines.

The Navy and Marines could not figure out why the USAF went to the green and tan on their aircraft. The gray over white was harder to see in air to air than the USAF versions. They really didn’t help much on air to mud missions and made it much easier for the gunners to pick them out.

All Marine & Navy F-8’s were in the Gull Gray/ Insignia White scheme.

Regards, Rick

The green Navy F4’s were designated ‘G’ - nothing to do with the wild weasel mission, but they had a new electronics suite of some kind.
VF213 was the test unit ,if my memory serves me well.

Philipine AF F-8s used a wrap around Dk Gray over Lt Gray scheme at the end of their service lives.

The only American serving F-8s I’ve seen in something other than the gull grey over white were the last (Navy reserve, as I recall) RF-8s.

I saw a picture of one of them that had a scheme VERY similar to the hemp over grey that the RAFs Tornado F.3s used to have. Looked pretty cool to me.

Wow … Folks here really know there stuff.

Thanks for all the reply’s, the info it is appreicated. As I hadn’t seen any Marine camo schemes either I thought I would ask because while the camo might not have been great in battle it sure is cool looking.

I agree with the others, I’ve looked through all the books and can only find gull grey for the F-8’s during Nam. But hey it’s your bird…[:D]

Exactly, its YOUR bird.

I used to have Hasegawa’s 1/72 F-8E and I did it up as a hypothetical mid 80s Luftwaffe bird. I made a wraparound splinter camoflage based on the European “Lizard” scemes that USAF was usuing at the time. Looked pretty cool with iron crosses on it.

I stuck a laser pod on the underside near the intake and a couple of laser guided bombs under the wings.

Just wish I had a camera at the time I had that model so I could post some shots of her.