F-5 Assembly Part 2

Couple more pics of trying to make a sow’s ear into a silk purse. Well, it isn’t THAT bad, but it was a stretch of my skills so far!

Gotta take a break for awhile now, but I hope to keep working on this as time permits.

Mike D

Looking good. What major issues have you had?

Keep going, mate…I have to say that the F-5 and T-38 are about the prettiest things with wings…well, up there in the top 10, at least!.
By the way, who’s kit is it and what scale?


Issues include pretty much everything, although the tub does fit pretty nice in the fuse. In fact, all the resin fits pretty well so far minus the air brake tub being a bit shorter than it should be. Filled that space with stretched sprue and lots of CA. The worst issue is that the plastic is pretty unresponsive to Tamiya Thin Liquid which is the only thing I really like using. So I have been using CA for pretty much the whole thing except for hidden areas which use good old Testors Orange tube! The one really nice thing is that the bottom is a separate part so you can glue the crap out of the spine from the inside. The fit could be better, but Tamiya and Hasegawa have spoiled me in recent years, so I have been pulling out old skills and trying new ones I got on the board.


It is the Classic Airframes 1:48 F-5A.

Mike D