f-4J question...

Hello guys [?]

I download a lot of info about the phantoms, but, does the Phantom f-4j have control stick in the rear cockpit?

The monogram kit haven’t, and I’m not sure that this version don’t use this stick or it is a model mistake

Could somebody help me?


Hi Carlos,

Usually the Navy birds, including the F-4J, don’t have a stick in the back since that person is the radar operator. Air Force birds (F4-D, E, etc.) did have a rear stick, from what I can remember.

Training A/C excepted.


OK.Thanks for the information Mike…



Mike is correct, Marine and Navy F-4’s did not have a rear stick…we didn’t want back seat drivers![:D]

Roger that Skipper!![:)] Nothin’ worse than a back seat driver when yer in the slope[xx(]