F-18 LEX

Guys, I will be building some Hasegawa F-18A’s soon, I just want to find the LEX that was fitted to the aircraft to help reduce fatigue cracking on the tail fins. I will be building in 1/72. I have just finished a YAK-9K in 1/48 by ICM. Not a good job, but I have done it, 3rd kit for the year, so I am happy!!! Building a Hobbycraft Sea Fury in 1/48, RCN markings!!![}:)]

I think what you are referring to is the small finlet on the LEX. Here’s a link to a close up pic: http://data3.primeportal.net/hangar/bill_spidle2/fa-18d_164652/images/fa-18d_164652_10_of_20.jpg HTH, Gary