A Picture says 1000 words. Heres 8000 words.
Questions and comments are very welcome.
A Picture says 1000 words. Heres 8000 words.
Questions and comments are very welcome.
AWESOME JOB!!! Nice aircraft. Keep up the good work.
Very nice! Please keep us posted on your progress! The F-106/F-106 a/c are some of my favorites, and you are definitely doing it justice! The only fit problems I encountered on my build were the wing root seams, they needed a bit of attention. I was able to seal it up smoothly with gap filling CA, hopefully your build will fit better!
Brian [C):-)]
Thanks singershu13 and brain44.
brain44- Ive encountered some fit problems whe joing the fuselages and tried to putty. Shouldnt have done that it looks bad but hopefully the paint layers will cover. Ive also done more detail painting this time in the wheel well and have joined the bottom wing to the top with some fit issues but otherwise this thing is practically buoilding itslef. Remarkable fit for a monogram i think. Ill try to get some more pics up though.
Looks good there[:)] IMHO you will have problems hiding that seam problem under the paint. i’m no expert and, I am having similar problems with seams. I find that sanding, filling & more sanding helps.
Looks great. I agree, filing sanding and re-filling if necessary is definately the way to go. Especially since it looks this good so far.
Looks pretty nice.
I would sand until all the green putty is gone. Then use Mr. Dissolved Putty or Mr. Surfacer as these both leave a much smoother finish.
Your doing a very nice job on one of my favorite century series jets (the only one that could be any cooler is the 104 [;)]) Sounds like this thing is requiring a bit of dry fitting, but with a little patience I’m sure you will beat it into submission.
Thinks guys.
I did fill and sand but I need a smoother finish so thanks Tanky ill try that.
Very good so far, keep us posted. Darren.
What is the shrink rate of these products you mentioned? I am using “Squadron white putty” and am currently letting it cure for a couple of weeks due to it’s shink rate. My M4A3 turret backside seam shrank a crack into it when I primed it and left it a couple weeks. Thanks Tankmaster!
thats one nice plane you got there!