Ever build that kit that took forever and ever?

I am locked in to a project thats taking forever and a day.
Just when I think I am close to getting done I find more stuff that I gotta’ do.

How about you guy’s ?

Ever have one of these projects?

The infamous Tamiya, Japanese 97 Tank. Its an episode of the twilight zone.


Yikes, what happened to ya there, Mike? I thought that ol’ 97 was a fairly easy build that didn’t take a whole lotta correcting.
I’m lazy and easy to please, though!

The E-100 I just finished took me about 5 months to complete. It was a great basic kit, with no real fit problems, but as I was doing it as a fictional 1946 operational vehicle, I added a ton of stuff to it. Most of the time spent was just thinking about what I wanted to add, then finding it or making it.
And as James said, just when I thought I was done, I’d think of something else!

Now I’m looking forward to something quick and easy…maybe a Tamiya Type 97…
Heh heh heh!

Aren’t they all like that!!! Just kidding. But I do have a number of kits that have been around my workbench in various stage of completion for months, even years. But that’s mostly due to my rapid swing in interests…

Hi there. my "workbench queen " is a frog Avro Shackleton that i have been building on and off for about 18 years or so if i get stuck in to it i would have it finished in about a month. The trouble with it now is that you can see the differences in build quality (or lack of) on different parts of the kit. I may just bash it together some time just to get it finnished…Gregers

Oh sure J-Hulk, rub it in.
Shermanfreak has affectionaly dubbed it the Japanese Ha Ha tank for me. Somewhere there is a guy in a Tamiya plant laughing his Kubuki off. Gap city, sink holes, flash, and just bad fit. Its been a battle all the way. For some reason even the scratchbuilt stuff gave me fits.The build is finished, now its left to the painting and detail. At this rate I figure it will be done sometime around, ohhhh… the 2nd comming.[}:)]

Submitted for your approval, a small inconspicuous piece of plastic. A model if you will, not of a vehicle of war, but of a vehicle that can only have been driven out of… the twilight zone. (cue dramatic music)…

…looking forward to something quick and easy he says.
97 he says…



Ye’a Every time I try to pick out a easy project I get burned.
Maybe it’s because I always try to build it “overkill”.

I’m never in a rush to finish, I guess that’s why I don’t have many on the shelf. My Tiger dragged on for over a year, because I couldn’t come up with a cammo pattern that I liked.

Mike, I’d love to see the Ha Ha! I bet it’s great.

Say, do you folks find that as your skills increase, it becomes harder and harder to do just a simple, quick and easy build?
Seems like in the old days, I could finish a kit over a weekend, and be totally satisfied.

Doesn’t surprise me in the least that this thread is turning into the saga of the 97 Ha Ha. LOL
I told you what you should do with this one Mike.

I’ve got many a project that’s still sitting in the box many years after starting them. Just lost their appeal at some point and maybe it’ll come back to me someday, someyear. The Staghound that I’m working on now (knew this was coming didn’t you Mike) is going to be a long drawn out affair to build. I’ll probably finish 5 other kits before this one even gets primed.

Built a P-47 that took about five years from beginning to end, but there were several factors involved.

A pal of mine started a project in 1983 and finally finished it in 1997! I guess he wanted to get it right…

Fade to Black…

Got a 1/72 scale P-47 I started in 1979, put away, and recently resurrected it. Does this one qualify? :slight_smile:

The Minicraft 1/350 Titanic. Terrible kit (IMHO), poor fit, injection pin marks everywhere, you name it. It was my wife pet project. I used PE (my 1st time using PE), rigged it and all.

I worked on it for 5 or 6 years. Finally got it done about a month ago. I put it on the kits own display stand on the enterainment center, went back to work on another model.

A half hour later wife call’s from top of stairs and shows me what happened after it fell off stand and fell 4 1/2 feet. Needless to say I was so discussed with it that I have hid it and refuse to look at it for awhile.

I’ll repair it someday, but NOT now.

Some kits were never ment to be built.
No matter how much you try to build them.
Or if you win the fight and get them built they just “jump” off of their stands in a fit of suicidel spite.
Some times I wonder with these freak accidents I I here about.
Do these things have minds of their own???

Yes they do!!!

ALL my kits take forever and ever![:)]