ETA 2 Finished!

hey people, I have finally finished the AMT ETA 2 from Star Wars Episode 3.

I ran into a few problems, one: I used rubber cement as a mask and when i sprated it onto my canopy the paint and rubber had a chemical reaction and “crazed” the clear, but I was able to vacuum form another canopy.

two: i used the mig pigments to weather the model and was ready to clear coat it, and for some stupid reason I got too close to the model and blew the chalk all over the model and had to strip the paint and clear off and repaint and reweather it once more.

Looks real nice. Very effective weathering. ( cna something that flies in outer space be ‘weathered’? Hmm, something to ponder)

A lot of these craft were used in atmospheric battles as well as in space too.

Very impressive work. Good job on that one. [:)]

The kit itself seems nice too. How was it to build?

Yeah it wasnt too bad, the canopies must be left off until your done painting unless your good at masking, the kit is about as simple as you can get without being snap tite.

Looks cool, good job on the build! I’m an aircraft guy, but I sneek over here every once in a while to marvel at the really neat stuff! Now where did I put that Episode III CD…

I know. Just a weak attempt at humor on my part.

These kits FINALLY just showed up at my Walmart last week! I gotta get one! So tell us what all is in the box, gimme some comments. I may pick on up today. I just dug out my old MPC Millinium Falcon yesturday so i hope to start back on that on with my new skills that I have learned after taking a ten break on it!LOL

Well lets see, the kit is comprised of the hull halves and the clear canopies are in plastic and there are 3 different head rests because obi-wans is different than Anakins and 3 different solar wings, because they are different too, it went together well and all the panel lines are deep and are easy to enhance with a wash, the cockpit is good it has a lot of detail and could use some extra wires and hoses.

Does this fighter represent the second fighter Obi-wan flew when he when and fought General Grievous? On Cult TV man site there are pics of a blue and green version. I like the grey. I’d like to do a black one to represent a sort of post Episode III version for Vader. I went to Walmart yesturday but they didn’t have any so I am going to have to check one of the other local Walmarts. We have three! Again nice job!

Nah, I just wanted to use the same color scheme i used for my snowspeeder.

Very nice! What size is it when finnished? Again, way cool!

The ETA 2 is about 1/24 scale.

Nice job, well done I like the finish.



Does it also have the purple Mace Windu option as seen in the Clone Wars Cartoon series. That is the one I would like to build.

AS a matter of fact, i`m working on another one that has the purple markings on it!

Would love to see pics of that one. I hope they sell these kits in Australia. I had to get the Revell Obi Wan snap together one from Japan.