Hi guys ,its been sometime but here is the lastest from the workshop. Me 109K-4 ,Stab, I./JG 52 Hasegawa 1/48 using kit decals
Handed over to the Soviets by the Americans at the end of the war.
Built OOB painted with gunze
Beautiful job on this a/c, especially the painting and weathering; the decals look like they were painted on! You should be proud of your work, it is excellent!
Obiwan…you are a powerful Jedi! Your 109 looks fantastic, an absolutely superb build. Very nice scheme, thanks for sharing it with us. Glad to have you back around here, Darren.
Nice work! There was a time when all I built was 109’s, so if I may be permitted to nitpick just a tad…on your next one, don’t forget about the seam that runs down the fuselage spine. Other than that, absolutely gorgeous piece! [:)]
RadMax8 , yea the 109 has weird landing gear.Btw I love your avatar pic its really crazy.
Darren ,I m happy to be back and its nice to be welcomed.I had sone difficulty firguring out how to post here again.
Waikong ,thats a cool website you’ve got there.
Allen ,I experimented with a heavier dirt scheme on this one , thanks.
Thad ,it took me a while to remember how to photograph well again to produce the nice low angle pictures.
Soulcrusher , sadly not much of Erich’s birds have been reproduced on decals…most of the are out of print.I found this kit at the back of a little hobby shop.
mearly , its just paitence and practise…Hartmann’s G-6 has a nice mottle effect , I’d love to see it.
ruddratt , heh heh the seam was pointed out to me when I built a 109E some time ago.I never filled it up since.But I can see how the light covers it up on this model.
obiwan…yeah, that seam was tough to see in these photos. I therefore retract my nitpick (can we do that?) [;)] and replace it with “awesome piece!” [:)]
OB1, You’ve inspired me! I dug through the pile and pulled out a Me 109E4 that’s been peeking at me for a few weeks. Going to try the North African camo for the first time.