I would like to attach a copy of a German medal, such as a S Boat, U Boat or Tank Badge medal on the wood base. Is there a company that makes these for this purpose, such like a plastic copy that can be painted to look like a medal. I know about the repro medals out there but there must be a more cost effective method.
Check this link it may have the answer for you
Thanks Gregory. I just shot them an email for info and prices.
No trouble at all. Recently I went to the Ontario Model Soldier Society’s annual show and they had a vendor selling resin copies of these types of items for figure bases. Unfortunately, I have misplaced the business card for the vendor so I did a little searching on the web and found that site. Let me know what you find out. I may be interested in a few at some point.
I will have to look elsewhere. The prices quoted to me are quite high. If you ever find the info on the resin badges, please let me know.
Regards, Ernest
Thanks very much for your post. That’s exactly what the seller at the show had.
Ernest you may want to buy from there as the prices were comparative to these within a few pennies difference either way.
Thanks guys. I contacted RJ Products and they will check into the S Boat Badges that I need. This is what I was looking for, thanks again!