
Do any of you know of a 1/72nd (or any scale) kit of
this cancelled project? I have found great websites on
the project, but no mention of models. Thanks,
Good Hunting,

rdxpress, Take a look at this URL The scale is 1/144. The kit is the Titan III
launch vehicle with the X-20 (dynasoar).

Here’s another URL for a 1/48th Dynasoar kit.

Thanks Ray,I wish the real space kit was 1/72nd at least the X-20!
Good Hunting,

There’s a French company (Iknow, I know) that released a 1/72 scale set of lift bodies, including the DynaSoar. Can’t recall the name of the company or the cost, but I believe that I saw the review in an old copy of FSM. I’ll search my back issues and get back to you if I find them. Good luck. Neat craft. - Ed

collectaire models makes a 1/72 resin dyna-soar

Collectaire makes a few scales, I have the 1/32 scale. Part time Models had a 1/48 and a 1/72. The PTM kits were low priced resin kit that were very nice. I built the 1/72 one and then vacformed it. I still have the other 2 to build. I’ll post photos of them if I can figure out how. The Collectair kits are VERY nice and priced higher.

BTW I have a patch for X-planes for the X-20 that lets you fly it from a B52 drop at 50,000ft. It dosn’t so much fly as PLUMIT!

Collectaire is the way to go for your 1/72 model as I have one. FYI - I am putting together a homemade 1/72 Titan rocket on which to display my X-20.

Collectaire do both 1/72nd and 1/48th. (Bought the latter and it is superb!) Scratch building one in 1/72 is a an idea though. Nice slab sides and very few complicated curves. Also I beleive Racoon used to do on in 1/72nd. If in doubt try reading a copy of Mat Irvings book on modelling the space age… it lists about everything!!
Good hunting. Phil

There is one on ebay.co.uk today.

There’s a 1/48th-scale card version available free online at
http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/body?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww8.wind.ne.jp%2Ftakumi%2Fs074.html&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2. Depending upon how much work you want to do, you could transfer the plans to thin sheet styrene and wind up with a decent X-20.

I modified the original design by adding markings, rivet detail, RCS ports, etc. Some photos of it can be seen at
http://www.starshipmodeler.org/gallery8/dh_x20.htm. The transtage was scratchbuilt, based on plans and diagrams I found online.

When I went looking for an X-20 model, I came to the conclusion that they were all too pricey for my blood. The card one was free (except for the cost of 65-lb. paper) and it builds into a decent model, although the instructions’ Japanese-to-English translation leaves a little to be desired.