I always wait for stuff to come on TV so I finally caught it last night.Pretty good movie, thought it was entertaining. Whatever they used for planes they looked great !!! The Spits, 109’s, even the 111’s
Looked pretty cool
I always wait for stuff to come on TV so I finally caught it last night.Pretty good movie, thought it was entertaining. Whatever they used for planes they looked great !!! The Spits, 109’s, even the 111’s
Looked pretty cool
I liked it. All the parallel time point of view stuff was cool. I found the soundtrack odd for a war movie.
I liked it although it was sort of like big picture, small story.
The airplanes were the best part IMO.
Very captivating movie the way it was done.
I liked it. I generallly liked all of those overall and command level movies. I had thought they originated with Battle of Britain, then realized Command Decision was one too, after watching a VHS tape copy. Loved the versions of Pearl Harbor and Midway that offered command post level stories.
I enjoyed the movie too, and I especially liked the way the story is shown from three different points of view. However, in the back of my mind I did have some misgivings about parts that semed to maybe have been “Hollywood-ized” a bit (or whatever the correct UK term would be).
Possible Spoilers below…
Specifically, I have read that no hospital ship was actually sunk at the pier/mole as shown in the movie and that French (and Belgian) soldiers were in fact being evacuated alongside the British. Additionally, although I guess it could potentially happen, the part near the end where the RAF fighter runs out of fuel but still manages to shoot down an enemy aircraft, also struck me as possibly being a bit odd.
Overall though I did really enjoy the movie.
The first few minutes of the film was rather well done along with the aircraft. Otherwise I was less than impressed with the movie. The movie failed to convey just how big of a deal Dunkirk was. Somewhere close to half a million men on a relatively small section of beach along with equipment. Instead we are left with seeing a few hundred men on the beach in a line looking morose. Dunkirk was chaos with the BEF trying to evacuate all while the Luftwaffe was carrying out air raids bombing the beach and attacking ships.
The film had some impressive individual scenes and those could’ve made a pretty good twenty minute short. By forty minutes into the film I was already checking the time and was tempted to walk out of the theater. The soundtrack didn’t help matters any as I started to get a headache from whatever soundtrack Hans Zimmer wrote. It’s not something I’ll watch again.
I’m tending to agree with GreySnake. AND, someone watching this film, if they didn’t know the backstory and/or didn’t study history (like the vast majority of people these days) they might not really understand what it was all about.
It was a long film for a short story, and though the scenery and graphics were good, the music was a bit odd and it left me wanting the rest of the story.
The container cranes were weird.
I saw this film in the theater when it was released and really enjoyed it. That being said, I was trolling the channels last night and stopped to watch it. I think the commercial breaks totally destroted the flow of the movie which I think would make it a bit confusing if you didn’t understand the flashing forward and backwards. I also agree that the soundtrack got a bit annoying on the small screen.
I saw it in the theater when first released and enjoyed it. I’m not a big fan of the directors story telling style. It was good, but not great, in telling three different small tales as part of a grand event. Visually and sound wise it was very impressive. But the narrative side did not match up as well.
One of these days I’d like to see the older film on this subject.
So my original question, were those original planes, replicas, mock ups, whatever they looked good.
From the Internet Movie Database I have read that they were a mixture of both, with some full scale Spitfires and Spanish Bouchon (standing in for ME-109s) being used, while scale models (up to 2m in size (according to IMDB.com) also being used.
I thought it was a novel concept for a movie having the three timeframes intertwined and slowly meeting each other at the end. It was definitely a Christopher Nolan movie in that manner, and complete with that thudding Hans Zimmer soundtrack.
I saw it in the theater…and the surround sound added a lot. Especially with the dogfighting, the roar of that Spit was glorious.
I agree with Bucksco the commercial breaks ruined the flow of the movie. Much better without the commercials.