Dullcote and acrylics

I liked the dead flat finish that I got when I used Testor’s Dullcote Lacquer on a previous project, but I’ve never used it over an acrylic paint (I’m now using Tamiya and Gunze acrylics). Is there any reason this would be a problem?


If the acrylics aren’t fully cured it can wrinkle it up like nobody’s business! just wait to make sure it is cured (48 hours should do it)

Or if you’re in the mood for something safe AND an excellent product as well, try an acrylic dull coat. Polly Scale and Vallejo both make and EXCELLENT flat… they go on very even. I’ve had variation with the Testors mix where some areas have more or less flat than others… the two mentioned are probably the flattest dulls I have seen yet…

Second that on the Polly Scale Flat…great stuff.

Which is better, I mean goes on good and has a very flat finish, the Polly scale flat or Tamiya’s XF 21 and future? Greg

Either one works fine. Using PollyScale (or another premixed clear flat) will be more consistent from one day to the next since you don’t need to mix it each time and worry about the exact proportions. Mixing XF-21 and Future gives you the luxury of choosing the level of sheen that you want; some places dead flat, others just semi-gloss. You don’t have to stick with just one, use them both as the situation warrants.

Future and XF-21 does tend to have a slight whitish tint as it approaches dead flat whereas PollyScale doesn’t. This becomes more apparent with higher proportions of XF-21.

PollyScale cleans up with just plain old water. Future needs something with ammonia in it to clean properly. That might be an issue to you as well.

As to the original topic of this thread, I have to agree with Tom. Testors Dullcote has been known to cause a lot of problems with paints and even with some decals if you aren’t careful. I used it once many years ago and ruined a paint job. Personally I’ll never use it again and these days stick with acrylic flat clear.

I’ve been using that Testor dullcoat over Tamiya acrylic paint and never had problem. As long as it is completely cured.

I’ve been using Testor’s Dullcoat for a few years on Games Workshop and Vallejo Model Color acrylics. I’ve usually put a coat of Gloss Varnish on first (GW’s 'Ardcoat) and then a quick spray with the Testors, but I also used to put a little bit of brush-on Vallejo varnish on parts that might rub off while painting. Now that I have an airbrush I’ll probably follow Tho and just do the Vallejo.

I cannot understand why people would want to use Dullcoat’s stinking lacquer when Polly Scale clear flat is much better, much easier to clean up and much safer.
Come on over to the 21st century and try Polly Scale please. [;)]