well now why didn’t anyone meantion Dragon was coming out with a new 20mm Flak 38 I only found out last week on Ebay and just had to buy it [:P] now I am going to have to find another Flak crew for it just can’t have a Flak gun sitting there unattended with no one using it[:P] now I got to decide to build that or the 88m Flak 36 with Gun crew that I got at the same time.[:D]
well here are some pictures of the Dragon kits I got
here are some new pics of my Tamiya Quad 20mm Flak 38
Yep, DML’s been announcing these faster than I can save up to buy them.
I had the old dinosaur Tamiya kit. It was decent. I always wanted that Semi w/quad 20’s in that cool whitewash. I half expect Dragon to release a quad 20’s. Next of course will be the semi w/quad 20’s.
well the Dragon 20mm Flak 38 has pre-formed Photoetch metal gun shields and shell case catcher and oodles of slide molded parts.