Dragonfly's 05 builds

I guess I’ll follow suit and post my 2005 build pics too.

Tamiya J1N1 Gekko

Promodeler F84E

Tamiya P51D

Tamiya Spit

Trimaster Fw190D-9

Tamiya Do335

Hasegawa P40

Tamiya P47D

Rev Ger Ju52

Accurate Miniatures TBM

Oh yeah…and I caught this fish

I hope the new year is as good as 2005. Happy Holidays to all!!!


Nice builds Jerry, looks like we have the same taste. I did three or four of the same buils you did. Oh ya we seem to catch the same fish to. I was in Canada this summer and pulled a much smaller fish than yours in, they dont grow’m like that down herein Texas[:P]


Nice builds I like the Spit,P-40and the P-47 nice NMF on that bird what did you use by the way and nice Pike what was that around 8 pounds. Bigest ive cought was a Lage mouth bass 10.5 pounds but fishing here sucks this year some kind of algie in the water. thanks for the look man happy holidays.

Thanks guys, the nmf on the P47 is foil. I screwed it up by trying to add the tiny micro scratches that you see on actual aircraft. Should have left it alone. The Pike? 8 lbs.? 8 LBS.??? No way man… that fish was way over 8 lbs! To a Pike…everything else in the water is dinner.

Happy Holidays, Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with this year.


Nice builds, really like the DO335 and the JU52 heck all of them look great.

Great work I really like that avenger.

A great year Jerry… Nice Spit…looks vaguely familiar[}:)][;)]

All very nice builds Jerry & the fish aint shabby either. Keep up the good work in 06.

Regards, Rick


All of em (especially the fish!) are awesome! I particularly like the Dora and the F-84! Have a Merry Christmas!

Each one is a piece of art.[8D] You are to be commended on your incredible builds. Looking forward to your endeavours in the New Year.[:)]

Good lookin kits, Jerry. Not to be off topic, how’s the Ohio GB plane going?[B)]

I’ve been done for 3 weeks. Check the GB thread.

Those are some extraordinary builds you have there. Nicely done

Some awsome builds there Jerry… but who makes that Northern Pike and what scale is it?