This is a small diorama I did for a local hobby shop.Built up like the box art with scratch built diorama ground work and building.A neat little piece[}:)]!0jLYVJrXco8i*pc6eW3CyoMcc!9rH!z6x*HkPSlQ1DVRiuN5SO9FwSDOuRmW6FzGHp!lSYwpczFrjQhTIVGji*TCKUzaiJ8ONQm9USN1ApdBMgAAAP****8/2002_1222_041843AA.JPG?dc=4675428920136715746
That is incredibly well done. I really like how you did the winter uniforms. Good job
Nice Work! and Welcome Aboard (I’m kinda new here also)
What did you make the base out of? What paints did you use?
Very nice!
Great job! I’m trying something like that in 1/6th scale.
Excellent work. I had that kit along time ago when I was new and I butchered it lol. Im gonna see if i cant get my hands on another.[:)]
cool, i reallly like the paint job on the figures. and for muzzleflash, i saw ur dio. pics, they look good.
The base is scratch built from plaster and wood I use the cheap wallmart waterbase paint these work great I did a group of these to match the dragon box art check out my site
WOW man too cool[:D]. I like the overall appearance. The overall weathering job is great and I like how you did their uniforms!!
Flaps up,Mike
It makes me cold just looking at it. Great job on the snow, that is tuff to make look realistic. Most of the time it looks like white baby powder
Excellent work dapurr, You can really imagine theres a war going on by looking at it.
Thanks for all the great response.The dragon figures are really nice and paint up well,the only thing I hate now is the plastic is grey I liked the tan plastic easier to paint faces.
Great job…dapurr!
I love the uniforms…and the the snowy setting,brrrrrrrrrrrr!
Regards, Dan