The kit itself is out of the box. The tank was dusted with Mig pigments, although I might do a little more on the hull. Doesn’t show up as well as I hoped. The stowage is some items from the spares box and some Apoxie Sculpt tarps. This was my first attempt at making them with Apoxie Sculpt and it went OK, but there is room for improvement especially on the one draped over the boxes on the back deck. To thick, now that I look at it. Also after looking at the pics, the towcable has too much rust and will be redone a little darker.
Nice build! You did an excellent job. I agree with you for the rust on the cable but I understand why you did it. It’s not that easy to know when to stop weathering. Especially with rust, I had to remove some of it twice on my model after looking back at it.
Despite what you said about the thickness, I really like the tarp you made at the back.[tup] And I love the tracks too.
That’s a nice Sherman[tup][tup]. Are the markings kit decals? They look really good. The tarps look pretty decent in the photos. I like the weathering that you’ve applied so far. The dried dirt caked on the lower hull is excellent. I think I agree that just a wee bit more dust on the hull might be in order. I would also suggest a little bit more on the roadwheels and tracks, not so a mud job but enough to give the impression that it has bee driving over dirt. Well done.
I agree with everyone here, very nice work! Looks very real! It really inspires me to do a Sherman, possibly that ‘red army’ version kit, by Dragon, ‘cos i’m goin’ balls out with my russian stuff at the mo’!
Thanks guys. I used some Mig pigments for the first time and was afraid of going tro heavy. Unfortunately the opposite happened. I will go back and redust the hull and wheels. And yes, those are the kit decals. The mud is a mix of Elmer’s glue, sand and Tamiya buff followed by a flat coat. The tow cable was washed with Mig rust, which in the lighting at home didn’t look as obvious as it did when I looked at the picture. I think a black wash will tone it down.
I agree, great work. How’d it go together for ya? Did you have any problems with construction? I have the kit in my to-build pile. I hope mine turns out half as good as yours.
Thanks guys. I didn’t have any major fit issues at all with the kits. I ended up throwing out some of the kit PE though. The rear brush guards are too big. Instead of fiddling with them, I used the kit ones. With a little sanding they look pretty good. The tracks were the hardest part and they honestly weren’t bad at all. More time consuming than anything else. On the turret, I did some sanding to remove the seam on the bustle between top and bottom. And then I went to Aberdeen and saw the picture below and realized the seam belonged there! (click on it. For some reason the thumbnail si cut in half but when you click on it you can see the whole thing…at least for me it is that way)
As I said before, Jason, you did a fantastic job on that chunk o’ plastic! I certainly disagree with your assesment of DML’s Sherman indies, though. You’ve obviously got the golden touch with them. Great stuff!
Looks nice! I read somewhere that crews tried to keep their tow cable greased with some dirty oil – to prevent any rust accumulation whatsoever. Also make sure that the rear right tail light has black lenses. Only the upper left rear tail light had the red oval lens. (postwar and restoration pieces have to have the double red lenses. Operationally, only the left one was red)
Thanks again. I didn’t hear about the tow cables. I will need to kill the rust color entirely it looks like. The pics are hard to see, but the tail lights have the correct lense colors for both sides.
Lol. Does Falcon039, ever have anythin’ different to say? I’ve seen his posts all over the forum, and it’s always the same thing written! Seems strange to me! Lol