…where I could find decals for a 1/72 B-52D (besides the ones that came with the kit, that is?)
This on-again, off-again project of mine is reaching a point where decals will quickly become an issue. I’ve searched several websites of both AM decal producers and hobby retailers with no luck thus far.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Superscale have at least one sheet (72-152); or you can always write to the kit manufacturer and get a new decal sheet…
Thanks for your fast answer! Most likely, I’ll be going with your second suggestion since a quick visit to Superscale’s website stated clearly that they do not carry any stock…as much as I like hunting down retailers on-line, I don’t have all sorts of free time (the two toddlers upstairs napping see to that!).
Don’t forget to post a pic of your completed model, if at all possible! Happy modeling.
Posting a photo of it would be quite possible…before I make any promises though, I’ll see how she turns out first! With a 3-year old and a 2-year old tearing around the house, it may wind up looking like something that was hit repeatedly on a test range somewhere!
Description: Boeing B52 Stratofortress (B52A,NB52A,NB52E,B52G)
Scale: 1:72
Publisher: Almark
I found these for you on www.lhshop.nl they cost Euro/Dollar 4,52
Maybe they can help you further.
It can be tough finding aftermarket decals in 1/72. Hannants has the best search tool I’ve seen. I always start there to see what’s available whether or not I actually buy the product from them. As for B-52 decals, there ain’t much. Probably just those Almark decals mentioned above and those aren’t that great. The SuperScale sheet would be best for a “D” model BUFF, but unfortunately, it’s long out of production. I’d try ebay or a model show for that one.
sinijn-- thanks for the tip…I shall look that website up after a bit more browsing on here and see what they have! Much appreciated!
Bubbamoosecat-- you’re right, it is darn near impossible to turn up BUFF decals in 1/72, which really surprises me, since it seems (though I’m very probably wrong) to be a popular kit. I’ll give Hannants a look later on as well and see what they may have. I have been watching on eBay, checking in every couple of days to no avail (but usually find something else to add to the unbuilt collection…eeek!). Would love to get to a model show, but way up here in the sticks, the nearest one would probably be in either Quebec City or Boston…both are about 8 hour drives one way. While I’m not at all averse to that sort of travel, it’s hard to justify to the missus (who really doesn’t understand the addiction that this hobby is…must be the paint fumes!).
Anyhow, to close out this novel of a post (for me), the progress update is that most of the subassemblies are complete. Now it’s time to do the large area painting, so I need to be able to settle on a scheme soon…and buy more paint!