Guess what, I just got a tour of the CAF’s LB-30 (B-24) thats going to be here this weekend at Andrews AFB (just outside of D.C.), and just a while ago seen a P-40, TBM, & Spitfre just land so this years OH is goig to be a good one I could feel it, so if any of you folks are in the metro area of D.C. I highly recommend you try to attend this one, the Snow Birds, and Blue Angles will be the high lights as with an aerial demo & dog fight between an F-86 & MiG-15, as with the Aerial dymo team of the A-10, F-15, & F-16, even a few fly bys of the F-22 so like I said come one come all if you can
Color me envious! Have a great time, and take lots of pics!
I will be there for sure.
I’ll be there on Sunday for sure too. I can’t wait, leaving tomorrow.
Well the Airshow was great, but the F-22 stole the show on Saturday. The A-10 didn’t fly, but they had a Herritage Flight with a P-51D, F-4E, F-15E & F-22. Then the F-22 did her demo and it was awsome, just pure power of her engines made the show, she flew into a vertical then throttled back and hovered for about 10 seconds then rolled over then excellerated out into a climb and leveled out at about 30,000 ft then headed for home at Langley AFB VA. And still the Snowbirds out did the Blues although the Blues did a great show. And now I’ve got to tend to my major sunburn on my face & arms but that’s the price ones got to pay if you like airshows
Great show I must say, but I was disappointed in a few ways. The advertised that there were supposed to be a Connie, a P-47, a zero, and FIFI. Well I didn’t see them there. Oh well, there will always be next year. Also wish they would bring some other aircraft from other countries like they did before 9/11.
Here are some photos