Do we get a subscription break?

Well… it had to be asked, :slight_smile:

Do we get any discount on the $39.95 / year subscription price that is advertised in the leaflets, etc?

1/2 off sounds about right![:p]

In the words of Aerosmith…dream on, dream on dream on.

In my humble opinion … FSM is worth every dime!

cricket chirp

hears drop of thinner fall from airbrush

Hmmmmm? Huh? Humph! Wha? Oh, uh…I should say something…Actually, I’m not entirely sure what the question is. Do you mean an extra discount for subscribing to the magazine via the web? Or do you mean a discount on renewals for being a registered site user? Kind of two variations on the same theme, I guess.

I’m seeing images of how our circulation dept. would respond to such a proposal. Most of the scenarios I’ve run through might go over slightly better than my request for a 50% raise this year and a company-provided Jaguar (hey, I’m not greedy–an S Type will do). [;)]

Ok then it’s agreed 1/2 off our subscription and a Jaguar car! LOL[:p]

Thats the ticket Lawrence.

A discount on contributing registered users of the forums. Not a ‘blanket’ discount via anyone that applies via the web. I am just asking about new subs or renewals for people that are registered forum users that will sub via the web.

If you offer me a 19.95/year subscription for my first year… I will send you the check right now! I think that would increase the new user base of subscriptions from those of us who stumbled on the forums and have found a neat place to enjoy the shop talk but have never subscribed to the magazine.

A discount for renewals would be just an added benefit of being a part of the FSM community rather than only a reader. Contribute… help out… and its a way of showing that FSM thanks the forum users for helping out their readers. By being an active player in the community it benefits everyone. It benefits new people to stop and read/take advantage of helpful advice … which in turn builds the FSM recognizability / community, the forum / website readership, and will eventually build the subscription base readership.

If it wasn’t for this forum… I would not have stopped here 3 weeks ago when I was looking for advice on getting back into the hobby.

If it wasn’t for the helpful advice I received… I would not have stayed. The posters here are really a great group of people.

If I didn’t stay here I would not have purchased my first copy of FSM at my local newstand a week ago.

The continued advice and friendships I have spawned from the forums have now made me consider subscribing. I do not think my story is unique or will be the last of many that will find themselves in my situation. I think it would reward and benefit the forum users for contributing: to building a stronger more self sustaining customer base.

pops in new Season 6 X-Files DVD


Isn’t the suspense just killin ya?

Actually, as a non-subscriber, I’d be pretty interested in a bit of a discount, as well. The mags priced a bit steep where I live! Still, $40 is a decent price for such quality. But like they say, anything is a bit sweeter when it’s cheaper!

Solidarity, brother.


To Lawrence Hansen -
I think RonUSMC has a good point and a good idea- a subscription discount for serious and dedicated forum contributors is a very good idea and a real incentive to get people to contribute and participate. These are the people who truly add value to this forum and make it the essential interactive tool that it’s become.
I agree that it shouldn’t be just a blanket discount for forum users or members, but for contributors who consistently and regularly help with tips, hints, and provide real help to fellow modelers.
Who decides what replies merit a serious contribution? Is it quantity, not quality, that counts, or is it vice-versa?

What’s your view on this matter, Lawrence? Or, what’s the view of the senior management? Is it a viable proposition? Or is the market in such a state that this issue would adversely effect the quality of the magazine (the paper one)? That’s unthinkable.
I’ve been an FSM subscriber since about 1982 (I think) and have never once regretted a single cent I’ve spent on the sunscription. I often get other mags at the news stand, but FSM is the only one I’d consider purchasing sight unseen (which is effectively what us subscribers do).
So…what do you think?


Were you sleeping Lawrence? If that’s all you do why don’t we just use your paycheck to fund the discount. [;)][:p] I’m sorry, Lawrence. No offence.

Seriously, though, this is an interesting idea. This may help to get some of the ‘lurkers’ more involved although the quality vs. quantity issues, etc. could get pretty sticky.

I have to admit that I have never subscribed. Up here in Canada it is actually cheaper to just buy it at the newstand every month than to subscribe (believe it or not). I don’t think that any reasonable discount would be able to combat the dollar exchange, s&h, etc for me. I’m sure readers in other countries have the same problems, too.

For what it’s worth, a discount would be nice, but I think that the magazine is worth every cent that we pay right now, and more. Am I right??


Sssshhhhh!! Don’t give my boss ideas, okay? [:0][;)]

Actually, the amount of time I spend on here is directly related to the workload of regular magazine work. If you don’t hear from me for a while, it usually means I’m scrambling like the dickins to make a deadline. Anyway…

Yes, I think there are some good ideas here. Dave and I have kicked around the idea of volunteer forum moderators, seeing that the two of us sometimes get unavoidably pulled away by our day jobs. If we set up something like that, maybe we could offer a free FSM subscription as an “honorarium.” I was noticing that the Sound and Vision magazine forums appear to use volunteer moderators, and it works very well.

Warning: The opinions just expressed by your host do not necessarily represent something FSM management will agree to! It’s late on a Friday, and I’m thinking out loud…[xx(][xx(][xx(]

Let me run some of this past people in decision-making positions and see what they say.

I volunteer. What do I need to do?

I volunteer, too.
Keep us in mind…

Lee Tree


If this does go through, sign me up. My wife thinks I spend too much time on here as it is, so I figure it may just give a good excuse… :wink:

Honestly, I think it would be great to have Moderator Vols. It wouls also help you and David out.

If any of you out there are interested, now is the time to start offering up your sacrifices…


I’ll throw my hat in the ring as well. This is definitely something I would be interested in too.


I’ll go for that too!

Consider this my application.