DML Ta 152

I couldn’t resist! Again I have given in to temptation. I picked up the 1/48th DML Ta 152 yesterday. You know the story, went to the LHS to pick up some paint and…Whammo! there it was!

Anyone built this baby? any comments would be welcome


It requires work, but it is a wonderfully detailed model. Aligning the engine and mounts are crucial. Take your time and dryfit everything in the kit. For the wings, glue the spar one side at a time. When I attach the wings, I glue the uppers to the fuselage first. This gives a clean seam at the wingroot, and you don’t sand away any of the detail. The PE parts are stainless steel, and a little more difficult to cut and bend than brass. The kit decals for the fuselage band are pretty worthless. They are better painted.

The key to building this kit is dryfitting and patience. I built this one last winter, with an Eduard PE set.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the feedback and ecpecially the pics. Your work is outstanding. I appreciate the tip on gluing the upper wing sections first. The only real problem I have is the politically correct decal sheet missing the swastika, will I have trouble obtaining the decals or do I need to paint it? what did you do?

Thanks - Steve

Use a D-9 for the decals. [:)]

Thanks crockett !

I used a swastika from an FW 190 sheet. Its the right size, and doesn’t have the outline. I couldn’t find any aftermarket sheets for this kit, but you can use ones for an FW 190D for the national insignia & certain stencils (not the gear cover decals-they’re different).

The landing gear is also a bit tricky. A three-view will give you the angles. It rakes forward like a 190, but doesn’t toe in as much.


10-4 good buddy, thanks again. The Ta -152 has always been my favorite German fighter. Is it true that the tail and prop blades were wooden?
