Can anybody here help a newbie out?

I’d like to display my son’s models in perspex boxes to hang on his bedroom walls. Any suggestions as to where I can find – or have custom built – some reasonably priced ones in the UK? So far, my efforts have only resulted in extremely expensive (circa £30 each) examples available.


Here’s a great shop in the UK, linked directly to the Display cases :wink:


I order from that site all the time… Very nice and quick.

PS: Seems that most of the cases are out of stock at the moment… But this is usually updated within a week or so.


You can try Carney Plastics. They’ve got a case for most everything. Most displays are a bit spendy, but compare to paying $7 each for a single 1/24 display box, they are cheaper for the amount of builds they hold.


Many thanks.

I shall check them out and report back.

Thanks once again for your input and advice…

I shall see if they can help me with my requirements.

Another inexpensive way to display/store models is to hang them along the wall. I have a rather large amount of aircraft waiting for my budget allow acquiring more display cases for them, so in the meanwhile…they are being hung out of reach of the pets and grandkids, decorating my ManSpace.

Another option is instead of using picture hooks, one can mount a flush fitting curtain rod and loop the string to suspend the models from it. Less holes in the wall. I’m going to give that a try with the next batch (I’ve got sixty to hang) along with either a flag or poster suspended in the same way as a theme background. Once I get it up I’ll share it.