Displaying aircraft in flight

Hello, how do you fellows display your aircraft in flight. I do not see many options to purchase stands. Any good ideas as to making stands?

Thanks, George

I have displayed one in flight, what I did was took a 1 by 4, a tapered piece of aluminuim, .40 thick, and a few screws.

I dadoed part of the base where the wide end of the aluminuim was screwed and glued in. I worke a curve into the metal first before mounting. Drilled 2 holes at the pointy end to accept the screws.

Next I found relative center of my fusalge, marked the spot through the metal, then drilled those holes. Note this is before the fuselage was closed. After the holes were drilled I mixed 2 part epoxy and mounted recieving nuts to the inside. Completed construction, finish decals the simply mounted the plane to my base.

An acrylic rod can also be used or metal…the key is securing the plane so it won’t be knocked over or off the stand. Hope this helps.

The one inflight model I currently have, I bent a brass rod and inserted ti through the afterburner section of the model. Of course, this was a jet displayed, might have to go another route if you are displaying a propeller driven aircraft.

I have a couple of these that are pretty nice and relatively inexpensive.


I have made stands from metal rod or wire, but mostly from clear plastic. Some hardware stores carry this pastic. If you cannot get it locally go on line. I have had good luck orderingf from US Plastics.

You can cut sheet material to shape with a jig saw. I also keep in stock some clear rods that can be inserted in a drilled hole in a wood base.