Diorama “Waffen SS” using Italeri’s StuG-IV and Trumpeter’s German Waffen SS - by “Art Instructor”:
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Diorama “Waffen SS” using Italeri’s StuG-IV and Trumpeter’s German Waffen SS - by “Art Instructor”:
For more pics please try my latest page:
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Hmmm, hit and miss with AI I think, there’s been some with improvement and some that don’t quite hit the mark, I’m thinking that here…a tad on the rushed side? But, same ol same ol, get 'em done, get the debt down…
Not a bad idea, just not too thought out, no churned up dirt from the ground/tracks, one of the figs looks like he’s dropping his gun…MM, you gotta tell your crew to think things out a bit better
The world’s first Elvis impersonator!
“Thank ya, thank ya, verah much!”
Your paint job looks great on both the figs and the Tank. Looks like you struggle just a bit with the ground work, like i do lately.
What’s with the constant references in these theads to the debt repayment? Dont like the model, comment on that! WTF do his personal life and affairs have anything to do with the kits?
Not one of his better efforts, MM. The ground is bleached straw and the trees green? It looks like two different seasons happening at once. The groundwork definitely looks “rushed”.
The muffler looks a little too “red”–other than that, the tank itself looks fine, fro what I can tell?
MM chose to let that detail be made public to the other forum members. No-one beat it out of him. IMHO its a risky thing to do, as it can be used against you (as shown here) People are curious as to why AI rushes his builds, and makes mistakes that someone who is building on a commission basis should’nt, when the guy clearly has talent. The idea that he is working to a tight schedule, that MM turns up at his house every week and dumps another armload of unbuild kits on him and says “giddyup”, is not too far from the truth I suspect.
People get frustrated when the flow of advice/critiques does’nt get to AI. (like it should). Its human nature that people like to think that their advice is appreciated, and in most cases acted on. I’m sure that had MM passed on every critique/advice to AI over the years, and if AI were given the time he needs to put the finishing touches to a kit, they would be top shelf builds. You could write a book about the whole MM/AI thing and why it gets up some peoples noses.
Not worth getting worked up over.
Many thanks for your kind comments, Kelly_Zak, Lufttiger, zokissima, the doog
and Wirraway. This is not one of his best dio’s and I’ve never set a timeframe
for him. Each lot of works (usually around 6 pieces) can take from two weeks
to two months, it’s all up to him.
Well I don’t know anything about time limits or debts (other than my own, of course). But I do know that I’ve seen much better work from Art Instructor. This diorama would be pretty good for me, but AI can do a lot better than this. We’ve seen it.
There are seams on the muzzle, the decals are silvered around the edges, and there’s little or no tie-in between the StuG and the groundwork (dirt, grass, pastels, etc). The figures look like plastic toys, mostly because of the way they’re positioned.
I normally wouldn’t point out these things, because in some cases they’re the kind of thing I would do. But I know that Art Instructor can do a lot better than this one.
I really like the way the Stug came out. The figure with the grenade looks like he is going to sing a song to his favorite girl or ask for her hand in marriage. The canteens seem to be hanging too low. I have to agree also that the ground work needs improvement and the green trees do not match well. The paint job on the figures look good. All in all it is a good diorama.
He kinda reminds me of Al Jolsen in The Jazz Singer: “Mammy! Mammy!”