Hi, everybody. I’m very new here. I’d like to introduce my Web site. It’s probably world’s largest personal collection/gallery of military models and dioramas, with 70+ dioramas (1:35) and hundreds of models, totalling over 1,600 pics.
Excel in model quality and picture quality apart from presentation techonlogy!.
Thanks, Airbrush, for your kind compliments on my site. I have a lot of free time because I don’t do modelling myself. I’ve found talented modelers to work for me and my collection. The remaining jobs don’t take much time, say:
2 hours for photography
1 hour for scanning
1/2 hour for thumbnail pics making
1/2 hour for *.htm files editting
1/2 hour for uploading to Server
And I need to do all that only around once a month. The remaining time is spent on many other things including surfing
model forums, searching for pics, reading world news (CNN),
and when off-line, admiring my huge collection of models & dio’s. [:)]
[:(!][:(!][xx(][xx(][|)][|)][B)][B)] youre site is screwed. i clicked on an icon and a gi joe was holding 2 barbies and he had knives to them!!! what are u thinking?[:0]
Well, I have just a few of that and it’s not my main theme. My main theme
is 1:35 models and dioramas. Please don’t be distracted by the barbies.
Comments concerning type and color of text used have been noted. Any
suggestion as to what color to use if I want to maintain the background picture?.
What is a camo?, camouflag?.
As for my text type and color, I tried yellow and bright green and white instead of
red and found out that “white” works best, so I editted my menus accordingly.
I also spent well over an hour just to change italic fonts back to normal fonts (the list is so long, 56KB). Thanks to those who commented on my site, they help fine-tune it, make it even better!.
I think that the point was to critique the web site, not necessarily the models themselves, which, admittedly, some are pretty bad.
The web site, as a whole, isn’t too bad. The print is fairly hard to read, and the overall color scheme gets prety annoying after awhile. Work more towards a unity between the different pages, not just whatever color suits your fancy. The F-14 background is a good concept, but the repetition of the small image gets way too busy and distracts from the site. Try using a neutral repeating background, preferrably something with soft edges and muted colors. A good example would be as juniormodeler suggested, a camo pattern. It’s easier on the eyes, as well as tying the subjects together.
I somewhat like the site, however, I do think it would work better if when you clicked on the link to a diorama, you only got pictures of that diorama. I find it really annoying having to sort through all the other dioramas to get to the one I clicked on.