Differences in Krylon paints?

I just searched the forums, but couldn’t find a definitive answer on this question. Perhaps one does not exist. Anyway, I intend on using Alclad II Aluminum and Dark Aluminum to paint a B-29 Bomber. I am going to use Krylon Gloss Black as my primer. When I went to the store, they have two different types of Krylon. They have a regular Krylon “Interior-Exterior” version, and then a Krylon “Fusion” version that is designed for sticking to plastics better I guess.

Which version should I get for my project? Does it really matter? I am guessing that the “Fusion” is designed to stick better to BIG plastic things like deck furniture and stuff like that, so it probably isnt really necessary for my model. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I have never tried the Krylon “Fusion” version so I can’t comment on that one.

But I have used the other versions upon occasions when doing my car models and have had good results.

When spraying Krylon enamel finish coats, I have always used Krylon primer first. I don’t know what, if any, effects spraying Krylon final finish on a plastic model kit would do. I always played it safe.