Here’s a long shot. I’m getting ready to build a Air Force M-113 from the 635th Security Police Squadron in 1972. It mounted a 50 Cal with a night scope and was loaded with communication equipment and a plotting board. It was used as an alternate and mobile security command post during emergencies and attacks. I need to find out if anyone makes a 1/35 and smaller night scope and if by chance anyone has some more photos the this vehicle. I have some shots but could use anything else that I can find. The main problem is going to be the scope. I’m trying not to build the scope. I’ve already made a 90mm recoiless and am trying to avoid another project in a project.
DML has some Vietnam-era Starlight scopes in their M16/AR-15 and Vietnam weapons sets. They would work perfectly. You can see it at the bottom of the pic below. I think the are OOP though.
Good luck.
The standard starlight scope was somewhat smaller and more compact than the scope we mounted on the Deciple. Although with a couple changes I might be able to use it on a 1/72 or 1/48th APC. I hadn’t thought of it before, thank you.
I’m guessing you used an AN/TVS-5 sight (or its predecessor, the AN/TVS-2) on the M2 .50 cal. Like these:
Closes you will find in a kit is the AN/PVS-2 Starlight from above. It is probably close enough for a model. You could cut the eyepiece end off of it and add the larger lense end to it too. If not, happy scratch-building.
That’s about right. Thanks