Destroyer Deck Painting Question

Getting ready to start the build of a Tamiya 1/350 Yukikaze Destroyer.

The deck plates come in three parts. Two of the plates call out areas to be sprayed to simulate linolem

How do you spray these small sections without overspraying the rest of the deck?

Whenever I do any ship I will spray the big areas and then hand paint the smaller areas and fittings on the deck. Hope this helps.


if you’re spraying, you will have overspray. Your options then are lots of masking to avoid it in the first place, or going back afterwards and doing clean up/touch up painting to cover the overspray.

Hi Ed;

In this scale I always brush the decks with a thinned version of the paint I need. That way I don’t need to worry about overspray.

GMorrison…thanks for that link. That model is quite impressive! I had to look closely to make sure the photos weren’t of the real ship

Thanks all for the suggestions. Today I taped off some sections of the deck and sprayed it.