Desk complete. Thanks for the ideas!

After reading your ideas on what you would like on your desk and paint storage I decided to made my own! I got sick of all the clutter and losing stuff. So here ya go and tell me what you think.

To see all the photos with the “details” click here

I am building my fully enclosed paint/dry booth this week I’ll keep you all posted.
Thanks again for all your ideas.

Very nice! Looking forward to the paint booth!

Very nice. I like the idea of the refs under glass… but in 5 minutes on my desk those pics would just disappear[;)]

I thought about that. The paint booth with fix that potential problem I assume. The glass cleans up quick and easy if you wipe it up as soon as you spill.

Very good looking desk! The only problem I see is if you are anything like me, you will find a way to quickly do away with all that annoying empty space, I know it only took me a few days to fill up my new desk [:D]

Well done! I like the neatness of the build, and that is a great idea, fronting the shelves with half height acrylic to hold things in place and still let you see them.

Enjoy your modeling!


That is sweet! Wow! [^]

Nice work area. I too like the acrylic fronts. I will have to steal that idea for some upcoming mods to my bench.



By all means copy away. That is why I asked for ideas from the forum. I am in the process of building my paint booth and work bench. I will take some pictures tonight and show you all my progress. Once the booth is complete I will be happy.

Very nice workbench but I am curious abot the lighting. Do those lights put out alot of heat? I have a 48" shoplight over my bench now cause the other lights I had put up made me feel like I was being baked.Another thing You might tryis to use some natural light lightbulbs To me those work better than the regular yellow lightbulbs. But again nice workbench and I’m sure You have a lot more room than I do!

bilbirk brings out a good point about the bulbs if the bulbs are the std bulb it will through off your tones for washes etc

AWSOME work bench

is that empty corner on the right for your computer so you can reference while you build?

Yes that empty corner also doubles as my wireless laptop area. I have since picked up a laptop holder for a car that I will bolt to the wall. I can put photo’s, articles and whatever else under one of the two glass areas if need be. The lights are actually two flourecent daylight bulbs. They work good and dont make me sweat like standard bulbs. I will spend some time to show you guys the progress today. I am almost done with my paint booth. Its a work in progress.

Some of you guys have been asking me about my booth and its progress. So here ya go.
The start was insulation of the garage:

Then the desk and its pegboard sheeting, cabinets ect…
The other side and outer booth wall.
here is the rough interior

I pretty much framed in the room with studs 16" on center and then sheeted the room. I added two 100 cfm fans with the proper screens and filters. Next came the drop light. I wired these into the current power in the garage. I still need to add two more lights on both the left and right wall in the booth to eliminate shadows and allow me to control the amount of light I need per given project. I constructed the benchtop so I can stand and paint. I personally dont like sitting when I’m painting. When its finished I will paint the inside a bright white. Its almost there.

wow, nice and clean. how long do you think you can keep it that way eh?? =P

Sweet! I myself would have made the work area wider, like my workbench, but you’ve got some great ideas!

I really like your desk. Lots of good ideas there.

Your pics of your spray booth don’t seem to be working and I’d sure love to see that as well.

[B)]Really sad I can’t see any pic’s…All your pic’s are not on here at my place and it was show’n yesterday? Hey? Whats with no pictures on here?!.[xx(]…

Oh! Okay got them now!..Really great work bench! Youve done a beautiful job!! Excipt just one “Little” thing!! I think the bench is really narrow?! It looks about 12" wide! Is it or is it a blooper that makes it just look not wide enough?!..I’d want it to be at least 20" to 24" wide minimum… With a set up as nice as that…Youve got everything you’ll ever need right now but, some space to work on…Not rivet counting honest!..Just thinking when you get some models going and the tools etc, etc… are overhanging the work bench, things falling on the floor…I don’t think a large cutting mat will fit on the bench as it is now… Will it?!!.. With all that fine work youve done, I’m hoping its a photographic error I’m seeing…[8D]… Thanks for sharing…Youve giving lots of good idea’s…lots of storage areas too…“RC”