designing/drafting etched brass parts

for those that make their own etched brass bits and pieces, what software do you use to design them? so far best luck i’ve had was with photoshop but i’d like to be able to actually specify dimensions parametrically. any better ideas?

I’m interested in learning about photoetching parts myself. I’ve read some info about it, but so far nothing said what specific program to use.

I wonder… could I use one of my CAD programs, such as AutoCAD?

Don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

AutoCAD works perfectly for this. I like it because if you’re doing multiple layers of etching or back etching, you can just create a layer in your drawing for each level to be etched. Also, make sure you understand how much undercutting there will be (dependent on material and thickness) and account for the difference in your drawings.



I agree, your better choice would be a CAD software.

May I suggest to you http:\ , search for “2D CAD”; there are several options cheaper than AutoCAD that can be useful, you can download them and try before buying one.


Do you know of any good tutorials out there explaining the process in some detail?

The how-to’s I found were very vague.

I already have a few versions of CAD software.
AutoCAD 14 & Softdesk 8
AutoCAD LT 2000
IMSI Turbo CAD Pro v8
3D Studio MAX R3
3D Studio VIZ R3
Lightwave 5.5

For 2D I prefer working with LT 2000, I would assume that would work fine?

You could try this:

The CAD programs I’ve used before are very similar, so this tutorial would be helpful.


Oop’s… my bad Carlos [:I]

I’m proficient in CAD, just not well versed in the process of photoetching.

Was looking for a tutorial on how-to photoetch at home.

Guess I could always Google again. [:(]

For software you could use Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator, like Auto Cad they are vector graphics programs. Here is a link to a free vector based program:

For tips on making Photo Etch check here:

Micro-Mark sells a kit for Photo Etching, includes everything you need to make up several:

jhande: well if you know how to use autocad, could you tell me how to fill in an enclosed figure? i’m more used to using parametric modelling software and i’ve got some good free stuff (alibre) but it’s just too many steps for a 2d figure.

Sorry Jim, I should know you wasn’t just a software collector [:D].

For photoetching guides try the following links.

Maybe you already know it but, here is a product that seems to be very useful for home photoetching.


No problem Carlos.
I’ve been designing homes (drafting) since high school when it was with a drafting table and T-square. I had to some what keep up and learn AutoCAD since that’s what most of the architects were switching too. I gave up spending the money on the programs at version 2000, just getting to darn expensive.

Anyway, thanks for the links guys.

Paul, you can use “boundary hatch” for a closed in space. Toolbar - Draw \ Hatch or type bhatch.
If you need more help, drop me an email. Will be glad to help with whatever I can.

Hi folks…just vidisited the forum for the first time in a long while. If you are in need of a CAD program look no further than Autodesk for their Autocad 2006 drafting/design program. I am currently employed as a Certified Autodesk Instructor and would be more than happy to answer any questions you have for Autocad. This software and most others from Autodesk are available for free download as 30 day demos. Here is the link for the Autocad 2006 demo:

It is just a 30 day demo so please don’t install it until you are ready to fully try it. Unfortunately it wont re-install after the 30 day trial period unless you format your pc. If you wish to use it beyond the trial period you will have to use your imagination (or do a software crack search).

If you need some training material please post a reply here and I may be convinced to supply some.

AutoCAD might be the industries standard drafting program. But for a hobbiest $900 is a bit steep I would think, why not try IMSI’s TurboCAD for $99.00.

I have TurboCAD version 8 or 9 (been uninstalled for awhile so I can’t remember exactly, been using my AutoCAD for business) and it’s not that difficult to learn. It is a bit different than using AutoCAD, no command line, but certainly easy enough and worth the money. [;)]


There are some freeware versions of CAD programs out there as well. Certainly most of them aren’t up to the task of AutoCAD or TurboCAD, but free is a difficult price point to beat. Many of them would be more than enough for the home user. FreeCAD’s website lists quite a few. Some are gems, some are dogs, all are free, or low-cost shareware.

I like those prices better. [:D]

Thanks for sharing…

thanks for the advice. i tried a bunch of the free cad software i found online but there was something crappy about each one one way or another. a lot of the times the drafting itself worked fine but printing the drawing out at actual size seemed pretty much not feasible. i went out and payed $30 for the turboCad designer package. It seems to be all 2D drawing tools but that’s all i need anyway. Works great. i’ve already made 2 frets worth of parts and put together those t-26 fenders i’ve been trying for. if you’re going to be doing this kind of stuff, i definitely recommend the software, it’s definitely worth the $30 from staples.

Sorry I forgot about other versions that would do just 2D, been awhile since I had to shop for a CAD program. [:I]

Glad it worked out for you and at a reasonable price too.