I was speaking to a modelling friend and discovered we both ordered the C-5 Galaxy in 1:72 from Delta Model Company. I emailed the proprietor since January and have heard nothing. My friend is thinking of filing fraud chrages and I wish to calm his nerves. Does anyone know about Delta and can anyone re-assure me that he is on the straight and narrow?
I don’t know if it’s the same guy, but there was an Italian company named Delta that made a large 1/72 scale flying boat from the 1930s. I forget the aircraft type at the moment. I’ve seen the kit once, it looked like a 1970s vintage kit.
Yes, there is the italian plastic moldings Delta which makes some nice kits. I have one of the Camproni CC.1 which is one of the first jets. The Delta I speak of is the Vacform maker in England who i think also operates as a store. Its been slightly over the time it should take to post from the UK and we are worried as we havent heard anything from the guy…can anyone help?
I ordered and received the Delta C-5 vac kit about 4 years ago from Aardvark Models (they seemed to somehow be associated with Delta Aviation, who actually manufactured the kit). At that point 4 years ago they were certainly on the up-and-up. It did take quite a while for the package to arrive after I ordered it (something like six weeks or so).
Thanks for the new email update…do you know when that email was changed. I know he had a old webpage which still exists, and then he switched everything about a year ago. How old is this new email address?
I ordered mine Nov 29th, so its been well over 6 weeks…maybe 8 at this point. Do you live in the UK, or does intl orders take 6 weeks as well?
I’m in the Pacific Northwet in the US - the kit took 6 weeks to get to me from the UK. I’ve ordered a fair number of things from the UK, and usually stuff gets here pretty quick (couple of weeks), but once in a while something seems to wind up on the slow boat.
I think Aardvark is an online merchant that acts as an agent/reseller/whatever for Delta. They also carry some other stuff, but it doesn’t look like a full shop. And it was 4 years ago when I got my kit, so things may have changed with Aardvark and Delta.
I think he sent mine mid dec, and since postage and xmas dont mix too well, i think i should be gettting it soon if at all. Did you order it from Delta or Aardvark?
My last cheque from Delta Models (back in Aug '05) bounced, which taken on its own may not mean much, but combined with a failure to return e-mails may be indicative of deeper problems. I do have address/phone/fax info for Delta Models, PM me if you need it.
Do you mean his cheque to you bounced, or you cheque to him. I’d love to get his contact info…how do you think i should approach this…i just want my kit!!!
Guys, I’ve come across problems like what you are describing (delayed e-mails or no response to e-mails).
Aircraft In Miniature Limited has been having trouble too, So I called them and they explained the problem for their delays and I know when they get a chance to send orders, they will.
Some of these are family side businesses and they may not get to work on them for months…
True, im quite firmilar with AIM’s problem. My concern with Delta however is that he took the order and apparently sent it, then never got back to me or anyone else.
Not to worry you any further, but since AOL bought Compuserve years ago, anything sent to a cs.com address will still go through to the (new) aol address.
Sorry, I should have explained it a bit better. The cs.com extension is the old email address for Compuserve. When AOL bought Compuserve, all email addresses changed over to an aol.com extension, but anything still sent to an email @cs.com still goes to the new aol.com address.
My point is, that this persons excuse for not replying should not be due to a change of email address.