Does anyone know if decal sets are still available or is any manufactuer going to produce sets for the 1/350 USS ENTERPRISE?
you try Gold Metal Models They sell decals
I tried a link thru Gold Medal thru a company called NY shipbuilders. They advertised a 1/350 Enterprise decal from Dunagan, but apparently this outfit went out of business and decals are no longer in production. It is a shame, especially if Tamiya or Trumpeter release Nimitz class 1/350 carriers. Somebodt sure needs to do something for this scale and decals.
Vince: the Enterprise isn’t Nimitz class, she’s Enterprise class and the ONLY ship in her class.
Derek, I realize Enterprise is not a Nimitz class, I was just curious to see if anyone had the Dunagan decals for the Enterprise, and IF anyone does Nimitz class ships, someone should do some decals to go with them.
When the Nimitz class ships show up, there’ll be decals for them. The aftermarket shops will be cranking them out for every squadron that ever flew off a carrier. Gold Medal Models is still making decals for 1/350 aircraft, and I think White Ensign Models does as well. Check their web sites.