Decals setting solution alternative

I’ve run out of Testor’s decal’s solution and the local supplier doesn’t have it either. What would be a good alternative. Please take into account that I don’t have a Dupont’s industry across the street. Household supplies would be great… somebody told me about vinegar but it didn’t work for me

Use white glue. When I ran out of setting solution someone told me to mix 1 to 5 white glue and water. It worked, but be sure you wipe off any extra glue around the decal. Also be sure to seal the decal as it isn’t waterproof.

Thanks, that’s a good idea, but my problem is how to thin the decal so it can follow the surface pattern.

It’s gonna sound dumb. But it works. DISTILLED VINEGAR. Next time you buy your Testors stuff, take a big whiff, what does it smell like. Straight vinegar is an okay subsitute, you may have to play with it for a while, but it will work.

For a very strong setting solution, try diluted isopropyl alcohol. I would maybe also put a drop of dishwashing soap or chemical wetting agent in the solution, and I would experiment with less valued decals to get the solution right.

Decal setting solution is primarily acetic acid. Vinegar is close enough to the same thing.

I’d suggest diluted white vinegar.