Decals---- Part II

Can some PLEASE explain to me the need for decal solutions??? I just though you put themin water, placed them on your model, and put clear coat over them!!!

I just don’t understand…

Thanks and God Bless!!!


Hey littlemoe,

Decal setting solution is used when your decal will be placed over an area that has some type of detail, whether it be rivets, panel lines, etc. The solution will make the decal tight over the area so that it will show all the detail under the decal and give it a painted on look. It gives your model a more realistic look.

Yepper, Shaggy’s right. The solutions soften the decals so that they conform to the surface detail. This helps avoid “silvering”, which you may or may not have heard of.

Silvering is visible in the areas where there’s clear carrier film on the decal. (usually around the edges and in the center of some markings) It occurs when parts of a decal are not adhereing well to a model. Air is trapped underneath, between the decal and the surface of the model, taking on a “silver” look.

Setting solution alone can help to avoid this, but often times you have to prick a tiny hole in the decal or make a small slice with a sharp knife. This will allow some of the solution to flow into the void and soften the decal so it snuggles down. This is why many companies have two part solution systems, one to put down underneath the decal and the other to put on top. Personally, I’ve turned to Solvaset at times and just used it in the same manner.

Hey Shaggy! I’m gonna do a model of the Mystery Machine and I was wonderin’ if you could give me some reference details for the interior? Is it, like, really groovy in there, or what? Like, wow! [:p] Sorry, couldn’t resist!

Fade to Black…

SURE Blackswolfcd!! Just as soon as you point me to the kitchen. Like, me an Scooby are hungry. LOL.

hey Shaggy, I always did like Velma better then Daphne, she was more the girl next door type!