Decals on top of decals. Y/N?

I’m looking at the possability of using the solid color Microscale decal sheets for some large base design work then utilize custom lettering or individual lettering over that. Haveing never attempted decals on top of decals. Has anyone had experience with it? A good thing, bad thing, yes but, etc.?

I am aware of the light colors under dark colors and the decal solution consideration.


It’ll work fine John.
In the auto model world that is how Fred Cady gets such great detail for his decal sets, sometimes as many as three or four decals over decals.
TwoBobs does it too.


Cool! Thanks!

also on many aircraft models like the british wwii stuff the bulleye in the center of the roundel is separate and is applied on top of the center of the roundel

Oh! I know I’ve been away from the hobby for a while (12yr.) but I didn’t think I was that behind on stuff. Thanks! That’s reassuring.


I’ve only tried decal over decal a couple of times, I put a coat of Future over the first set after they dried, then put the second set over the first. I did the brown lettering over white stripes for this one and it seemed to work fine.

awesome tahoe

Nice job! Very nice!

Brush on the future between layers then for sealing and for good adhering? Is a final coat needed to seal everything?

Thanks again!


I always seal my decals when they are dry and tgen put them final coat(usually flat) on

Final coat of future or other?




As far as the decals I always put on a coat of Future before and after applying decals, if I want a dull finish I usually find the weathering wash takes care of that but I have put a coat of dull coat over the final coat of Future when needed.

Anyway on the Tahoe there are 3 layers of Future, so it is something like this:


White stripe




I love Future BTW in case it isn’t obvious [:)]