Decal shelf life

I have a 1/24th Tamiya Ford Focus WRC and a 1/24th Subaru Impreza WRC that have been on the shelf since Christmas 2001. My query is how much longer will the decals be alright?? When approximately will I have to photocopy and reprint them??

I dont know how long they would last but my guess would be that it matters what you did to them. I mean, if you put decal setting solution on with it and/or put a clear coat on afterward.Dont know if this helps any but thats all i got.

I store my decals in ziploc bags, and put them back in the box. You may need larger ones, or two for bigger sheets. I have decals from 93 or 94 stored this way that are as good as new.

Same here with the Ziploc bags. As soon as I buy a model I open it up to check it out and the second thing is to put the decals in Ziploc bags. I have some that are over 20 years old and as good as new. It also prevents them from turning yellow. I even place old unused decals in bags and store them in a filing cabinet for future use.

Thanks guys. Sorry I should have clarified myself. The models are unbuilt, and I have still got them in the box with the decals. I’ll grab myself some ziploc bags nd store them. I just wasn’t sure and my fiancee would get a might stroppy if they were no good as she bought me the models for Chrissy.:slight_smile:

michalanstress, I’m just very curious as to what a “might stroppy” is…It sounds very intriguing and I thought if I knew a little more about it I’d see if my wife could get one too.

Just one more thing. Who the heck is Chrissy? And why’s your fiance buying you stuff to give to her?..What the heck’s going on down there???..[:)]

I believe Chrissy is Australian slang (?) for Christmas.

And ziploc bags may not help with some Tamiya decals. I too use them for my kit sheets and many of the Tamiya decals have cracked. This is quite common with the aircraft kits, I dunno about the auto kits.

Anyhoo, if they crack or if you’re suspicious that they may when you go to use them, you could always try Micro Superfilm made by Microscale. If they’re still making it that is!

Fade to Black…

blackwolfscd, you’re quite right, Chrissy is Aussie slang for Christmas. I kinda forget that us Aussies have a lot of slang speech, but it broadens peoples minds. I think. :slight_smile: I just checked on the MIcroscale web site, and they make something called Micro Liquid decal film, which they claim makes an old decal new again. I assume its the same as the Superfilm. Thanks for the pointer!

merlin V1650, “a might stroppy” means that she will be quite angry with me. I dont think you’ll want your wife having one of those!

I have also heard of people coating old decal sheets with a coat or two of clear to keep them from cracking and breaking up. You just have to make sure that you trim around each decal after that. I’ve never tried that myself though. Hmmm…would future work as well, I wonder?


Considering that these decals are (to me at least) extremely valuable I just may have to get some of the Microscale Liquid Decal Film, but next time I store a model I might try a coat of clear. Who knows, it may work!

I was just yankin’ your chain (American slang for “kidding”).
I just purchased some Microscale decal film myself…Have not tried it yet so I can’t give you a critique.
One of my goals is to get to Australia someday. It looks beautiful, and besides, you guys speak the same language as us…(sort of)[;)]

Garn, pull the other one! :slight_smile:

It is a beautiful country, how ever I live in smog filled sydney. not good :frowning:

If the Microscale decal film is any good then I will definitely get some, cause as I said the decals are too valuable to lose.

Someday I’d like to visit Australia, especially Sydney. Should I bring a mask?

Anyhoo, for those of you who have just picked up the Micro Superfilm, it’s GREAT! Just brush it on over a decal and let it dry. It may look thick when wet, but don’t worry about it, it’s almost as if you haven’t put anything on at all when it’s dry. This stuff dries that thin, but it works like a charm!

You can also use it to make custom hand-painted decals, just be careful 'cuz it may react badly with some paints. When you brush it on this stuff can smear paint, even if it’s dried for a month. I’ve sprayed it thru an airbrush, but had problems with thinning. This stuff seems to be similar to a lacquer, but it won’t take lacquer thinner too well. Still working on it…

Fade to Black…

Yeah a mask would be good. I drive ambulances all day and I’m surprised i dont have asthma from the fumes.

I’ll wait and see what you come up with before I attempt anything. No spare decals, y’see. Thanks.

Well cobbers, bonza, beaut and pass me stubbie!

I think I get the picture, but just to be sure, this microscale decal film will restore decals that have turned yellow on the backing sheet?

If you come to Australia, come north to sunny Townsville. You can always see Sydney on a post card!

PS After you get married in Australia your fiance turns into a shelia!