dayglow or orange?

Would the high viz areas on US nayy resque H34 (grey and high viz scheeme) be international orange or dayglow orange?


Good question. I’ve seen both colors used, but it seems to me that the day glow was used for test or training apps I know you want either or answer I’d go with int. Orange for rescue purposes.

Yea, sometimes hard to tell from pix, new international orange looks pretty darn close to faded dayglow… Even international orange does fade in the sun.


International Orange, absolutely! The series of ‘dayglow’ colors were not around when the H34 was the operational rescue bird. So, (IMHO) unless you are modeling a modern use of an H34, stick with the appropriate colors of the time.

It goes without saying (I hope) that the orange needs a white background.

The original orange paint faded to a chalky yellow very quickly, from top down.

I had a look now and the orange is more “international orange faded look” than a full dayglow on the model so I am going to leave it as is. The satin coat will tone it down some more anyway.




I recon this is close enough to look like international orange


yes it does.

That’s a really sweet looking Helo, Theuns!
