What is best used to cut the tiny photo-etched parts form the metal sprue?
What is best used to cut the tiny photo-etched parts form the metal sprue?
The easiest way I’ve found is to tape over the selected piece, then gently cut from the sprue with a hobby knife. This way, those expensive bits of brass won’t fly away.
I agree with demono69, it may leave a little bit of a sharp edge on the piece of PE but nothing that can’t be filed off.
I’ve got a real sharp pair of cuticle scissors
If you go to the web site that the Eduard photo-etched parts has , you will find that when you go to the INFO section it has somethig that will help you.
The site is www.eduard.cz
I use a sharp hobby knife and cut on a small piece of glass I got out of a cheap picture frame. Taping helps keep the parts from flying around. Normally a couple of swipes with a coarse sanding stick takes care of clean up.
Use demono69’s method.Also use a piece of plate glass as a work surface.this way you run little risk of distorting the part.I use a hobby knife with a curved blade.Put the fret on the glass,and gently rock the curved portion of the blade over the attachment point until the part is freed.Patience is the key here.